Chapter 2: What You've Lost, What It Cost

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Naruto's eyes opened slowly, taking in the sight of his room. It was still dark out, moonlight still shining through the small window in his room. He guessed it was about five in the morning -he usually gets up around that time. After a few minutes his body decides it's ready to start working properly and he sits up, staring blankly into the corner of his room.

He remembers that dream he had. Was it even a dream? It felt too real to be one so maybe it wasn't... He instantly shot down that idea, however. Getting his hopes up never got him very far. Deep down though, he wanted it to be true. He remembers the room he was taken to, shelves of items and trinkets. Stuffed animals and pillows on a freshly made bed. Even the plain white walls felt more full compared to his room: a single mattress, desk, and a box with hardly any cloths.

But most important of all, Kuro was there. She had an aura that was calming to him. Unlike the real world, he wasn't alone in there. He's tired of the coldness of his room. He doesn't want to be alone anymore. Is that too much to ask for?

~You don't have to worry about that.~ Naruto was snapped out of his thoughts from a voice, Kuro's voice, almost falling off of his bed in the process.

~Sorry for scarring you. I made a link so we could talk to each other.~ She apologized. Naruto couldn't see her, but he could tell she was trying her best to hold in a laugh. She didn't sound like she was speaking from anywhere in the room. Rather, it sounded like she was everywhere. Echoing through the walls of his room, but also from the back of his head. Naruto took a minute to collect himself and rose to his feet.

She was real after all.

He wandered over to the box of cloths -which was only like three shirts and three shorts, along with some other cloths that didn't fit- and change into a fresh pair.

He then left his room as quietly as possible to not wake up anyone else and made his way to the kitchen. He packed a few fruits into a small bag before returning to his room and leaving through the window. It was quieter than the front door, not that he could go through the front anyways. Seals were placed around the door, preventing anyone from entering besides Minato or anyone else he allowed in.

"Hey Kuro, you said you gave me some powers right? What's it called?" Naruto asked out loud, taking a right down an ally.

~It was named 'Spirit Manipulation' by the humans I gave the power to. You needed an item that was closely connected to the person or people you are trying to contact. Knowing their name also helps in finding them. Oh! Let me tell you about this one time...-~ She excitedly explained.

They both talked while walking aimlessly around the village, Naruto asking questions and listening to Kuro's stories of the past as Kuro ranted on. Before long they reached the Hokage mountain just in time to see the sun rising over the tree line.

Naruto has always been drawn to this spot. Whenever he sees the sun rise over his village he feels at peace. The feelings of loneliness left by his family were dulled as he watches the village come to life. Shop owners and merchants getting ready to start their day. Shinobi on patrol. The faces of all previous Hokage, watching over their home like they once have and always will. He remembers how much he loves his village, despite gaining nothing in return. But that's how love is sometimes.

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