Chapter 4

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Naruto and Yuki stand in front of the Third Hokage's house in the Sarutobi compound. Yuki looks around in awe then at Naruto. Nervously, she asks, "S-Should we be here Naruto-nii? Were at the Third Hokage's home after all." Naruto just looked at her and pat her head. "Its ok. He's like a grandfather to me. Plus, we need his help to get out of this village." He said and started to walk inside. Yuki just nodded and followed him. He knocked on the door and backed away. The door then opened. The person at the door wasn't the Third Hokage, but rather his son, Asuma Sarutobi.

He looked at Naruto with a smile. "Hello Naruto, it's been a while. How are you doing and who's the girl?" Naruto looked at the man with one of his rare smiles. "Hey Asuma-san, I'm doing ok. I'll tell you about her in a minute, but I need to see Jiji. I'll explain everything later." Asuma looked at him questioningly but let them inside. When they got inside they saw the Third Hokage, Hiruzen Sarutobi, sitting on a couch in the living room giggling while reading a small orange book.

Hiruzen POV

I was reading the book of one of my students when I heard footsteps. I looked up and saw Asuma walk in with Naruto and a little girl with red hair and an eyepatch. Immediately, I throw the book out of a conveniently open window and look at them with my hands crossed and a nervous smile. "H-Hello Naruto. How are you doing? Who's that girl behind you?" Naruto looked at me with a deadpan expression as the girl hid behind him.

"Hentai." I sweat dropped at that comment. I motioned them to sit and they complied. "Anyways jiji, I need help from you. Regarding the girl next to me," He said while patting the girl's head "Her name is Yuki Suigyoku." Both my eyes and Asuma's widened as we looked over at the girl. "H-How? I-I thought their clan was extinct?" I said not believing the words that came out of his mouth. He looked over at the young girl, I now know as Yuki, and nodded. She sighed and held up her right hand. A transparent pink crystal then materialized out of thin air in her palm. I stared at the crystal in disbelief. A few seconds pass and Naruto starts to talk again. "I need your help, but I need to inform you of some things first." He said rather seriously. I gained a serious look as he started to tell me what's happened.

With the clan heads
3rd POV

All clan heads were in a meeting hall that they use to talk about personal clan matters. "So did anyone find anything about Naruto?" The head of the Yamanaka clan, Inoichi, asked. Tsume stood up as all eyes looked towards her. "I found Naruto with a girl in an alleyway. Like we all agreed on when we left the compound, I offered him a new home in my compound. However, he shot me down saying what he stated on the note is what's going to happen." All clan heads look down with faces of anger. Not towards the child, but their Kage. How could someone neglect a child for theee years, the Hokage no less! "Also, take a look at this." Tsume fishes something out of her pouch and threw a pink crystal towards the table, stabbing it into the center. All clan heads looked at the crystal with curiosity.

Shikaku spoke up and asked, "What's with the crystal? Never saw you as the type to go for jewelry." Tsunade just looked and glared at him for a second before going back on topic. "This isn't a normal crystal. It was made from the girl he was with, a shoton user." All of the clan heads eye's widened. There was a shoton user in Konoha and they didn't notice it! The clan heads spoke among each other in disbelief before Tsume raises a hand to silence them. "This is a shock to all of us, including me. But now we have to decide on something." The clan heads looked over to her.

The Akamichi clan head, Choza, asked, "What is it Tsume?" All clan heads looked at her with anticipation. "Despite what he did, Minato is still the Hokage so we need to tell him about Naruto. For sure he sent a few ninja after him already. But the girl he is with is a different matter." All clan heads nod and wait for her to go on. "We have two options. Option number one: We tell him about the girl using shoton. This might not be a good idea since if Danzo hears about this, he would probably hunt them down and turn her into a ROOT."

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