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I met Mascot. You know, my one of my close friends who didn't want to talk to you.
Her reaction-> "Oh shit! All the bad things really do happen to you, Gazz!"

See? I finally convinced her. And yeah, she sent a message for you.
' Hi Cameron. I have heard a lot about you. In fact so much that it's annoying at times. So you sound like a great guy and now I wish I could've spoken to you. Anyways, I'll talk to you when you return. And you have to come back for Gazz or she'll drive me nuts, being so quiet and all. So talk to you someday I guess.'

And I just spoke to your former friend from Pakistan. You know, the one who's name is synonymous with the amen at the end of everyone's prayers.
She doesn't know I guess and thinks I "really like" you to change my pp, display name, everything.
Funny nah?

Also, Jerry was saying hi to McD. And your bro tells me you're quite good looking. Not hot or anything cuz she's your "bro" but good looking.
I'd like to see that for myself huh?
I'll see you someday. Because you very obviously aren't going to send your pics, doofus -.-

I'll talk to you properly. I was planning with Tumba to either force you to come here when you recover fully cuz it's like all in one for you here. Chichi, Bro and I.
Otherwise instead of going to England, I'll drag my parents to Barcelona instead. Almost impossible, but worth a try, no?

But I'm not coming before you're alright cuz I need a guide and only Claire won't do because she might bring Cole and then I'd be third wheel XD

And please tell Blake to not talk so stiffly cuz it's getting on my nerves -.-
He needs to make us feel relieved, not more tense. He's acting like a grandpa :P

So yeah, I'll keep on telling you what's happening. *Gazz reporting*

I love you baby, forever and always.

P.S don't blame me for taking screenshots of your pics cuz I need something no? You aren't sending some anyways XD

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