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Cher Tyler,

Je t' attends chaque seconde... pour toujours
Chéri, ne t'inquiète pas
Je t'aimais déjà mille ans
Je t'aimerai encore mille ans

C'est vrai. Je t'aimerai jusqu'à la fin. Toujours.


Translation since you're a doofus:

Dear Tyler,

I have died everyday waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid
I have loved you for a thousand years,
I'll love you for a thousand more.

It's true. I will love you till the end. Always.


I couldn't read Tyler's. I read all of the books for you, each and every one. Again and again. But I can't read Tyler's. After I write a letter and post it, I can only read bits and pieces at a stretch, maybe a single letter. Not more than that.

I tried to read from the start. I can't do it. I don't know why, I just fucking can't. So I thought if I wrote in another language, it might be better. I might be able to read it. Who knows?

It doesn't help. Thinking it's going to be fine one day. Anything.

Estoy cansado de todo.

Yes, I am. I am tired of it all. Waiting for them, waiting for you, waiting for nothing.
I'm waiting for nothing. All three of us who are left, are waiting for nothing.

It's really hard for both of us. Chichi and I. Yesterday, it was her day for a breakdown, today it's mine. We're both in the same boat. As usual.

At least she wasn't stupid enough to mix up things which will remind her of you. Turns out, little things+Chichi's two month gift for us+your messages+letters to you= Heartache.

I nearly committed a blunder. I realised who I was talking to at the last second and luckily hadn't sent the text.
I was talking to Queen and putting the above formula to use.
Queen's head started to ache or something and I am so used to receiving those kind of texts of yours, "I'll ttyl, baby. My head is aching", that I wrote a reply thinking it was your text. Luckily, I realised it wasn't you. It'll never be you again.

It hurts so much. And it's sad. Really sad that you are going without even leaving a trace of yourself anywhere except in our minds and hearts.

Sometimes, clearing away everything doesn't help moving on.
The empty spaces it leaves, are a reminder of what we had and never will have again.

Je m'arrête ici. I'll stop here. I'm sorry.

Te amo, te quiero, je t'aime.
I love you baby, forever and always.


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