Pizza Night

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"My darling y/n!" I hear my grandma while I unpack my stuff from the car.

Nana greets me with a warm hug while Papa waits on the porch smiling and waving at me. I kiss my mom goodbye while struggling to hold my bags.

I haven't seen this place in a while, I started to forget what it looked like, Nana and Papa were usually the ones visiting us these years, not the other way around.

"Try not to stress them out ok? Love you" my mom bids me farewell and drives off.

I run towards Papa and hugged him tightly

"Oh dear how much you've grown!" He exclaimed and then gave me a heart warming smile

I enter the house with the help of Papa carrying some of my stuff. It's been so long since I've visited this place. I think the last time was six years ago, when I was (y/n's age six years ago). Everything looks the same, the atmosphere is filled with love and care.

and cookies

"Nana I smell cookies"

"I baked them just for you" She smiled at me. "Now fix your things upstairs and then you can eat as much cookies you want"

Papa helped me carry my bags to my room and I went on with placing where my things should be in. The room is not small, not big either, just the perfect size. Nana probably cleaned this room earlier, it looks tidy.

After all that, I went downstairs to clean the jacket with milkshake on. I pass by a singing trophy of mine when i was ten. I loved singing, I mean, I still do, but I really don't join competitions anymore whatsoever. Last time was when i was twelve, and after that? I stopped. I don't know why either, I guess I got shy.

I also saw pictures of me when I was a child, in about three pictures, I was playing with other children I don't remember.

"Hey Papa, who are these kids?"

"Their our neighbors kids y/n, you don't remember?" He replied.

That's a whole lot of kids they got there.

I went to Nana for help about the milkshake on jacket situation, she said she'll handle it. I put the $20 and the tissue note the boy gave me earlier inside my pocket for safekeeping.

The cookies smelled so good I grabbed one without even knowing. I bit into it and savored the flavor. I grabbed some more to eat while I went to watch the TV.

"Honey, leave some cookies because the neighbors kids love them, we'll give them some later" Nana told me.

I mean like, who wouldn't love these cookies, they're amazing.

I checked the time and it was 3:30 pm.

Damn time really does fly.

I go upstairs to wash my face and I listened to some music while watching outside the window. There were people outside riding small bicycles and laughing. They were facing the other direction so I couldn't see them well, they looked like they were filming something.

My phone dinged.

A text from Audrey
'I told you to text me the moment you arrive 😤'

'Oops hehe sorry :3' I replied

Audrey's my best friend since we were in middle school. She was always fun to be with and stayed with me through thick and thin.

Audrey: 'Enjoy spending time with your nana and papa y/n! Don't forget to bring those cookies you never stop talking about when you come home 😉'

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