Chapter 1

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"Hold on... Hold on I've got you!" An unidentifiable man yells while he grips the hand of a young woman as she hangs off of a large ship above the roaring sea. " Don't let go!" She yells back at him as her hand begins to slip. The thunder screams as the ship shakes. " No no..-" He is cut off by her slipping out of his grasp. As she falls to the sea, her scream echoing through all the wind and rain.

Just like that she jolts awake. Breathing heavily and her eyes wide. Her long curly brown hair in a mess. Her heart beats fast as if it's trying to make up for the amount it stopped for. She struggles to take a deep breath before stepping out of bed and putting a light robe over her loose night gown. She stays quiet sense it's very late into the night. She puts on her black boots loosely. She then opens her door to her large balcony overlooking the sea. Before slowly stepping out on to it and walking to the edge as the wind ripples through her hair. Reaching the railing of her balcony she stares at the ocean. Watching the waves flow back and forth. The air is cool and provides a sense of relief from the obvious nightmare she had just endured. But there is something about the water that draws her. It's both terrifying and intriguing. Her lavender eyes focus of the waves almost getting hypnotized by the motion of the waves rocking back and forth, never ceasing.

" Cassandra..." A voice whispers. She turns to see her mother wrapped in her robe with her arms crossed tightly. " Cassandra it is very late. What are you doing?" She adds with concern. " I couldn't sleep." Cass responds, her voice casual. " Well I believe you should return to bed. I don't like you out here alone." Her mother says still whispering. " I'm on my balcony. Why would you have cause for concern?" Cass asks in a loud whisper. " Please just got back to bed." Her mother answers her, ending the conversation.
" In a moment." Cass states turning back to the sea. Her mother's sighs leaving going back the house. The sound of the balcony's door being shut makes Cass scoff in annoyance. Breathing in the night air she attempts to retrieve the peace she felt moments ago, but it is lost. After a few minutes Cassandra reluctantly turns away from the view going back inside.

Early the next morning, Cass sits at her desk in her room painting. Her room is decorated with simple small objects, shells and rocks line along her desk. As do many paintings and drawings of various scenery's aline the walls, mostly of body's of water. Suddenly a young woman abruptly opens her door walking into Cass' room. The woman's hair is black and pulled into a tight bun, creating a rounded look to her face. Her eyes are dark brown and wide as they look at Cass. Her dress is long and light blue with small flower around her sleeves somewhat sophisticated.
" Good morning!" She says happily showing a bright smile. Cass glances at her before returning her smile. " My dear sister now what are we painting today?" The young woman adds looking down at the canvas. Cass looks at her rolling her eyes. " It's a ship Ruth." Cass says sarcastically as she gestures to her painting.
" How beautiful. You should show father. I'm sure he'd love it." Ruth responds eyeing the painting carefully. " Father has enough dealings with ships already." Cass says adding some finishing touches.
" It was in a dream I had last night." Cass mentions as she sets her small brush down. " It's very detailed." Ruth simply says running her fingers along the outside of the frame. Cass nods picking up the painting setting in by her window. " I'm going into town. Do you need anything?" Cass asks wiping her hands on her black skirt. Ruth looks at her raising an eyebrow. " No, nothing thank you." Ruth answers. " Alright. I'll see you when I return." Cass says walking out her door and down the long stair case leading to her door.

Large paintings are scattered throughout the large house. Undoubtedly Cassandra's paintings. She exits the house finding herself on the busy street filled with many shops and pubs. She hums softly as she walks through the the small village to the large dock filled with many ships. She arrives at a relatively small boat with a shark carved on the front of it. It's name is the Voyager. Cass had known this ship and it's Captain for her entire life. She had played here along this dock and on this very ship. Her childhood was here, not in her home like Ruth's was but here. She preferred to be here, not stuck inside like her mother wanted.
" Captain Edmund!" She suddenly shouts. After a moment an old man arrives at the bow, peering down at her. She smiles as she recognizes her old friend. " Permission to come aboard?!" She asks with a sweet ton. He laughs in response. " Come on up Ms. Phillips." Edmund responds with scratchy throat, no doubt from the years of cigars he's smoked. Quickly she makes her way up the lowered ramp leading to the entrance of the ship. Finally making it onto the deck. " I was figuring you were coming today." Edmund says as he tightens the sails. " Yes as always, you were right." She says as she looks around the loaded up ship. " When will you and your men be leaving?" She asks as she's noticed the cargo on board.
" Whenever your father gives us the order Ms. Phillips. It should be soon. Why are you interested Cassandra?" Edmund asks letting go of the sail he was adjusting. She looks at the horizon. Then back down at the ship. " I was just interested I suppose." She finally responds as she picks some rope and sets in on a box, avoiding eye contact with Edmund.
" How long will the trip be?" She asks again still looking at the deck. Edmund stops and looks at her suspiciously. " About 4 months." He answers her with suspicion in his voice. She finally looks at him and nods.
" Thank you Edmund. I'll be on my way." She says as she walks away to begin exiting the ship. " I hope to see you again before we leave Ms Phillips." Edmund states as he watches her leave. She turns back to him as she halts. She smiles lightly in response before waving goodbye.

As she exits the ramp and arrives on the dock, another ship catches her eye. She turns to see it more clearly. It's similar to the Voyager except it's much bigger and a Siren is carved onto the front of it. It's armed with cannons unlike the Voyager or any other ship her father has. She stares at it for a moment intrigued. " A very beautiful ship." She whispers to herself. " Father must have designed this one." She thinks to herself. Before she turns away and continues walking along the dock, eventually finding herself along the shore line. It feels as if hours have passed as she continues walking by the water, letting the smell of the sea fill her lungs. Eyeing the horizon as the sun hits the line of the sea. The world turns orange and blue from light of the setting sun. It's warm and cold mixing together as it runs across her face. Finally she now realizes she should return home. With that she tears herself away from the shore to begin her way back.

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