Chapter 1

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"Zizzy, sweetheart, you're going to be late! Don't you wanna be on time?" Zara, Zizzy's mother, asked.

"I don't wanna go! There's gonna be other people!" She tugged at her mother's flowing dress.

"Please honey, I'll be back to pick you up." Her mother gently pushed her towards the double- doors.

"Mommy, don't go! I don't wanna be alone!" Zizzy cried.

"I'll be back. And after, we can get ice cream! Okay, sweetie?"

Zizzy hesitated but slowly opened the door. "Promise you'll be back..?" "Yes, darling. I promise." Zara gave her a soft smile.

"Okay, mommy... I love you..."

"I love you too."

Zizzy wandered the hallways, peeking through each classroom.

"Where is it... I wish I never left mommy..." Zizzy started to cry.

Just then, a shadow zoomed by.

Zizzy looked up. "W-who's there..!?"

"Don't cry.." It sounded like... two voices. "I- 'll beat you up!" Zizzy lied.

"Well, that isn't very nice!" The first figure walked towards her. It was a fox.

"We just want to be your friends!" The second figure did the same. It was a dog.

"My mommy told me not to talk to strangers." Zizzy looked away.

"But we're friends!" The dog laughed. "Yeah, we aren't strangers!" The fox smiled brightly.

"But I don't know you..."

"My name is Doggy, and this is Foxy. There, now you know us!" Doggy said.

Zizzy thought about this. "I guess I do.."

Foxy beamed. "Great! Your turn to tell us!"

Zizzy mumbled loud enough for them to hear, "Zizzy..."

"What an uncommon name, how lucky! Doggy wagged his tail. " Wanna sit together?"

Zizzy stopped and looked at him. "You mean it...?"

Foxy looked at her with confusion. "Of course we mean it."

She nodded her head slowly. "Sure... I guess..."

Doggy grinned. "Great! See you at lunch!" They vanished.

W-what just happened...?

Zizzy got up and walked to class as if she magically knew where it was.

                     ~'|At Lunch|'~

Zizzy sighed as she sat down at an empty table. "I wish mommy was back..." She murmured softly. As she was about to open her lunchbox, she noticed the two boys she met earlier, waving at her.

Oh yeah... Them...

She got up from her table, walking slowly to their table.

"So, how was your day, Zizzy?" Doggy smiled.

"It was... good... I guess..." Zizzy looked at her shoes.

He looked at her with worry. "Are you sure? You look down."

Foxy spoke up. "If someone's being a bully, we'll beat them up!"

"No, nobody was bullying me... Can we go outside..?" Zizzy asked quietly.

Doggy tilted his head. "Huh? Sure...!"


Zizzy inhaled the fresh air, smiling.
Foxy was saying something to Doggy, but she didn't care to listen. She just focused on the Sakura trees, looking at the petals as they dropped to the ground gracefully.

Doggy noticed her and chuckled softly. "So Zizzy, where are you from?"

Just as she was going to answer, the trio heard a cry for help.

"Please, not again! I don't wanna! I don't wanna bleed! Please don't!"

It sounded like a male.

"What's happening..?" Doggy whimpered.

"Oh come on! You're such a baby, it's just a little cut!"

It sounded like an older male.

"Maybe we should go..." Zizzy started shaking.

"No! We should help! They could be in trouble!" Foxy frowned.

"Please, I don't wanna do it! It's not funny!"

Then they heard screaming.

~'Chocolate Kisses'~ (A Pony x Zizzy fanfic) (FINISHED/OLD)Where stories live. Discover now