Chapter 8

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Y/n's POV.

I waited for Jungkook to finish his shower. I was on my phone , scrolling through my Instagram that I decided to download. Soon the door open revealing Jungkook with only a towel on his waist.

'Damn , those define abs ,'

'I have a sexy and hot ass fiancé'

'Wait what the fuck am I saying ? Snap out of it Lee Y/n !'

I shook my head and slapped myself.

"Like the view babygirl ?" He asked and I quickly look down.I could hear him chuckle softly as I bite my lips.

"Let's go eat ," he said as he grabbed my hand. I walked out with him as everyone bowed every time we walked pass.

"Cook for us something." He said coldly to Maria. She bowed and left to cook. He turn to me and his eyes softened. I smiled slightly as he grabbed my hand , dragging me to the couch. He sat down , pulling me to sit on his lap. He put one of his arms around my waist protectively as the other , rest on my thigh.

"You know , I can sit on the couch right ?" I asked as I giggled slightly.

"I like you better when you are on my lap .." he said as he kissed my shoulder making me bite my lips.

"Aren't I heavy ?" I asked.

"No. You look beautiful as ever." He said kissing my neck.

"I forgot to ask you something .." I said making him lift his head up.

"When is our wedding ?" I asked. He chuckled and caress my cheek.

"Next week." He said and my eyes widened.

"Is that okay babygirl ?" He asked and I nodded , smiling slightly. He then peck my lips out of nowhere , slowly my cheeks turn to the shade of red.

"Sir , breakfast is ready." Said Maria making us turn. I stood up as Jungkook followed from behind. As we were eating , the silent broke when the boys came in. Jungkook rolled his eyes as he ate making me chuckle.

"Morning Y/n !" Said Tae. I smiled , greeting everyone.

"Yah , you both are eating without us ?" Asked Hobi as he stabbed his heart playfully.

"It was peace until yall clowns came in." Said Jungkook as he looked at them with no expression. I giggled as they all joke around.

'I always wonder how are they the strongest and most powerful mafias but yet they are so soft with one another.'

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard 6 beeps. I look at them as they groan.

"We gotta go training , you coming kook ?" Asked Jin.

"Yeah , I will be there later , just go ahead first." He said and they all slowly made their way out of the kitchen.

"See you later Y/n !" Shouted Jimin. I giggled and waved at them. I look over to Jungkook who finished up his food. He stood up walking towards me.

"I'll see you later .." he said as he caress my cheeks. I nodded as he slowly leaned down. He placed his lips gently on mine , I slowly close my eyes , replying to his kiss. My hands when to back of his neck , I put my finger through his locks as he pulled me closer. I pulled away knowing he has to go even though I didn't want it to end neither does he.

"You should go .." I said and he chuckled. He then pout making me frown.

"What ?" I asked as I was confused. "I need a goodbye kiss .." he said making me chuckle.

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