Chapter 44

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The drive to the farm house they didn't find any cars following them. There were no cars in sight at all.

They thought it would be safe to continue the way to the farm house. Ochako was nervous and excited. "Damn" bakugo thought out loud. Ochako gave him a questioning look. He noiticed "I forgot to call the hag before I left so I guess that's 3 to add on our stalker list" he sighed and layed his head back.

"When me and mina travel back home we could stop by your mom's house to tell her" kirishima looked back at bakugo. "Tch.....thanks" he mumbled but the red-head still heard.

Night came and they were pulling into a hidden road trail to her family members farm. Mina squeezed her thighs and switched the lights to high beams as there was no sort of light except the small ones in the corn feild.

As they pulled up a man was sitting on his porch. He stood at the sight of the car. Ochako jumped out first to greet them. She ran up and hugged him. It was her mothers brother so her uncle. "Ochako havent seen you since the party" he chuckled. "Yeah I wanted to take the offer of living with you in the house you have. Me and my boyfriend can help you with the farm" she held her hands together looking up at him. "Yeah of course your welcome" he smiled. "Oh I also wanted to tell you I brought a kid with me" his eyes widened. "Do your parents know last I seen you wasn't that long I didnt see a bump" he panicked as he looked at her stomache. She waved her hands infront of her. "No no we adopted her from an abusive home" she nervously giggled.

He wiped the fake sweat off his forehead "oh you worried me in thought I missed something" he laughed. Ochako waved her hands at the car. Everyone came out with smiles, except bakugo. "Beautiful Night sir. I'm one of ochakos best friends" kirishima respectfully held his hand out for her uncle to shake which he shook. "I'm also her best friend and dont worry we'll leave in the morning but it's nice to meet you" mina smiled also shaking his hand.

He looked at bakugo who was walking over with konnie. Her uncle smiled "nice to see you again. And hello to you" he smiled and waved. Bakugo waved back putting small and polite sorta smile on his face. Konnie held bakugos hand shyly.


Uraraka's uncle greeted and introduced her friends to his wife and kid before walking them to the house that wasn't really close to his house. He gave them the key and told them goodnight then walked back to his house.

There were two rooms, a bathroom, a kitchen, and dining/ living room. It had some furniture that still looked brand new just not used.

"Me and mina will sleep on the couch so we dont wake you guys when we leave" kirishima rubbed the back of his neck smiling. Mina felt like crying and so did ochako. They hugged eachother tightly "I'm gonna miss you" mina lost it and began crying. Ochako rubbed her back letting tears fall "you can visit me any time and maybe when they give up on my case I'll start calling you again" she hugged tightier. They both broke from the hug "I will be visiting for vacations" mina smiled wiping her face.

Ochako wiped her face too. After that they all went off to sleep after showering. Ochako was in konnies room to tuck her in and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight love see you in the morning" she stood up and walked to the door. "Goodnight......m-mommy" she spoke softly. Ochako's eyes widened as she quickly turned around and gave konnie a big hug.

Ochako walked back in the room where bakugo was laying on the bed looking at the ceiling. She had tears in her eyes as she layed next to bakugo. Bakugo looked at her and sighed "it's not like she'll forget you", ochako wiped her face "n-no not that" she paused and smiled as she cuddled up to bakugos arm. "She called me mommy".

Bakugo looked at her in shock. He then looked back up at the ceiling and smiled "fucking told you".


Bakugo woke up in the middle of the night hearing thunder. He groaned "damn if it couldnt have gotten creepier" he covered his face with his arm. He then turned towards the window and looked at the curtains that covered the window. He thought he saw a figure. He rushed out of bed to the window and looked outside. He then looked dumbfounded.

It's a bush.

He layed back in bed and covered himself. "Jeez I'm becoming fucking paranoid myself damnit" he sighs.

"Katsuki" he heard a high pitch voice say his name. "Hell no" he whispered then looked at ochako to see her peeking one eye open. "Katsuki come here" ochako opened her arms. "Why" he turned to face her. "Because I'm cold" she did grabby hands. "Well your wearing a tank top and thought it was a good idea" he smirked. "Your shirtless" she argued. "Cuz I'm fucking hot", "katsukiiiiii" she whined.

"Damnit women" he brought her close and she automatically snuggled up to him. "Ive been sweaty the whole car ride with two girls on both my sides" he complained. "You didnt complain in the car. Besides at least you smell good and not disgusting like me" she let out air.

It was silent between the two. "Cheeks" she hummed at him in response. "Your seriously sure about me and you going the next level" he looked down at her. She nodded "I wouldnt say it if I wasn't sure. I trust you" she smiled and hugged him tighter.

He placed kisses on her head before they both drifted off to sleep.
Sorry this short but u hope you enjoyed!!please stay safe everyone!! Don't click random links from random accounts please!

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