Chapter 34

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Bakugo's P.O.V

I felt a warm kiss on my fore head that woke me up. The bed became light on cheeks side of the bed. Then I heard the door unlock then close. I frowned and sat up.

I checked the bathroom to make sure but nope she left. 'The fuck is she doing at what 10:00 at night's. I opened the door and look down both hallways. No where. Where the fuck did she go. I shut the front door and sat on the couch. She left her phone so I grabbed it and looked threw her text messages. None of them said anything about meeting someone.

I looked at her calls to see a random number dialed in. Is that's who she had to call while I was in the shower.

But who the fuck is it. I set the phone down and crossed my arms. My foot tapping in rage on the rug. Couple minutes  pass and I heard the door open. I stare intensively at the door. As I saw her shadow move in the darkness I cleared my throat and turned on her phone light.

"Where the fuck were you" I got right to it. "the park" she said look into my eyes. "With" I scowled her. She looked at the floor. "With" I repeated growing more angry. "One of my friends who is a girl" she looked at me again. "What the actual fuck are you doing going to the park at 10:00 at night and let me add while I'm sleeping. With one of you "girl friends" I felt my face scrunch even more as I grew more and more angry. I swear if shes pulling a goddamn deku I'm gonna beat this motherfukers ass.

"To discuss about getting konnie out of the asylum" she looked at me with a serious face in my eyes. I guess so shes trying to let me know shes telling me the truth. "And I dont know about this because" i couldnt help but raise my voice. "Because you dont like this person", "be more specific I dont like a lot of people round face, who" I asked. She whispered something i couldnt make out. "Ochako speak up" i stood up walking over to her. "Its Toga" she looked up at me.

My eyes widened. "And you thought I didnt need to know about this" I raised my voice but still whispered. "I did a favor for her back then so shes repaying me with this and I know you two have bad history so i didnt want to involve you" she frowned looking to the side. "Just be glad it's not what you were thinking like I'm some whore everyone calls me" she spat out. I looked to the ground "tch".

She crossed her arms and was going to walk to the room but I stopped her by grabbing her arm. "I dont think your a whore damnit I just didnt like the fact that you were being secretive like I wouldnt find out" I kept my gaze at the floor not wanting to make eye contact. Cheeks is probably the only one I'm really comfortable opening up too. She dosent judge me for my thoughts and dosen't look at me different.

"I'm sorry" was all she said as she left my grip and grabbed my hand instead dragging me to the room. I layed next to her as she faced the other way. I frowned "look at me damnit" she slowly turned my way and looked at me. I hugged her close to me and kissed her fore head. "Dont go leaving in the middle of the night secretly without me knowing again, got it"  she smiled and nodded "ok katsuki" she kissed my nose.

I hated when she did that but it was still cute so I'll allow it when we are alone. We fell asleep and I made sure to keep my grip on her.


Nobody's P.O.V

In the morning ochako and bakugo walked to her job. Hand in hand with the morning breeze blowing in there faces. "So what do you do when I'm not home" she broke the silence. "Workout" he said looking down at her. "Oh heh should've thought about that" she laughed. He shook his head.

They made it infront of the gates and did there usual kiss and hug goodbye. He turned and walked away but then was greeted by a certain green haired man. They sorta just stared at each other until bakugo just walked past him. "So you still think you can make her really happy huh kacchan" deku spoke suddenly. Bakugo's eyes widened but began to count in his head while breathing slowly. "I already think you saw how happy I make her something you failed to do. And my names not kacchan" he continued to walk away calmly.

Deku bit his bottom lip in frustration. But just walked off.


Ochako did her daily meet with Konnie. But as konnie went to hug ochako. Ochako held her and whispered in her ear. "Konnie I'm taking you out of this horrible place ok. A lady with bonde hair will be here later to pick you up ok then I will see you later" this made konnie smile and hugg ochako tighter. Konnie whispered back "thank you so much ms. Uraraka".

Hours past and ochako took care of the front desk and cameras as rosie went on her lunch brake. Toga walked in. "Is that a doll" ochako asked almost giggling. "That was plan A now ima head there tell me the room number" she smiled. Uraraka gave her the room number and a key "alright then". She smiled.

Ochako turned off the cameras in Konnies room.

Few minutes pass and toga comes back with the girl. "Take her to my place and a man will open up that's my boyfriend tell him I sent you ok" ochako smiled. Toga smiled and nodded. "I'll see you later ocho" she said as she waved and they left.

Ochako put everything back in its place and casually sat there.


Hours past and she was greeted by katsuki with a little girl in his other hand. Ochako smiled at the sight but rushed over and they walked home fast. "Did you do her hair" bakugo rolled his eyes in response. "Aww" ochako let out.

"Shut up" he mumbled.

They made it to their home and entered.

"Alright on the weekend we will go shopping to get you some clothes alright" ochako smiled as she hugged the little girl. Konnie hugged her back and cried on her shoulder. "T-Thank you so much ms. Uraraka" her soft voice spoke.

"No problem hunny now let's go get you in the shower" ochako said grabbing her hand. "I know how to shower" konnie smiled up at ochako. "Alrighty then I'll be back with some clothes ok" she smiled and konnie returned the smile shyly.

When she left she ran to katsuki and kissed him. He was suprised but kissed her back resting his hands in her back pockets. "Thank you for helping" ochako smiled. Bakugo cracked a small smile. "No problem cheeks" he said.
Hope you enjoyed!! Stay safe!!!

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