Walking in on you changing

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Well, for Oikawa, this could go two ways...

1) He'll scream like a girl, turn around and cover his eyes to not ruin his "innocence" or whatever.

2) If he's in the mood, you'll know because he'll have that annoying smirk on his face as he advances towards you.


Probably immediately slam the door and wait outside with his face a blushing mess. He'll probably say stuff like: "G-goddammit Y/n! Lock the freaking door!"


He'd have no expression whatsoever. Maybe silently glance you up and down but other than that, no dramatic antics at all. He came in to tell you whatever he needed to tell you and once that's achieved, he'd leave like nothing happened. Might leave with a "lock the door when there are other guests over."


Tbh, this boi will stare at you with no shame. He might even start drooling. Overcome with embarrassment, you grab whatever you have within your range and throw it at him. He'd snap out of his daze with a blush starting to form on his cheeks and yell a "S-sorry!" before running out the door.


He'd overt his eyes and look anywhere but your figure. Probably wouldn't leave the room but would definitely tell you to cover up. he probably wouldn't really make a remark on it. If anything, he'd head towards the bed and start playing his game while you get dressed.


His eyes will grow so big you'd think it might hurt. With his hand still on the door knob, he'd mutter a "my bad" while still staring at you before slamming the door closed. He'd trip a few times as he walks away from your room. He'd look like he's in a trance. If the team's over, he wouldn't speak to them; he'd just sit on the couch, not moving an inch as he stares at the ground. After a few minutes he might snap out of it by spontaneously screaming and pulling his hair making his teammates look at him like he's a lunatic.


WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO HIS INNOCENT VIRGIN EYES!!!!???? kags will definitely freeze and face plant into the ground, pale as a ghost. Some might think that he died.

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