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"And that's why I strongly believe that the moon landing didn't actually happen," Avani proclaimed, sighing rather loudly as she held a shirt up against her body, examining it in the long mirror.

I looked at my best friend with my eyebrows furrowed. How we got into a conversation about the moon landing while in the middle of a clothing store was beyond me.

"I'm glad you got that off your chest," I chuckled, picking up a pair of sunglasses from the display and trying them on.

Today is a bit of a 'girls day' for Avani and I. She'll be leaving for Manhattan tomorrow, where she'll be spending a few weeks, so we wanted to spent as much time together today as possible. We began the day with coffee from our favorite place, followed by getting our nails done, and now we're shopping. 

I moved over to the little mirror that was placed on the table in front of me to see how the glasses looked. Right as I was about to ask her about her most recent photoshoot went, my eyes landed on the boy that was standing outside the store through the mirror.

It didn't take me very long at all to realize that it was Calum. I took the sunglasses off and squinted so that I could see him better through the mirror as he stood on the sidewalk, his tan skin practically shimmering in the bright sun. He had sunglasses of his own covering his face and was looking down at his phone.

It's been a few days since we ran into each other at the liquor store. We ended up drinking quite a lot that night at his place, and he was kind enough to let me stay the night since neither of us were alright to drive. He had a guest room for me to sleep comfortably in, which I was grateful for. The next morning, I woke up with a giant headache and he provided me with coffee and Advil. I gladly accepted, but had to leave shortly after in order to get cleaned up at home before I had a writing session.

We were both a little disappointed that I had to leave so soon. He'd asked me if I could stay for breakfast and it took ever ounce of willpower in me to decline because of my prior commitments, but all I wanted to do was spend the entire day with him.

"Hello? Indy?" Avani waved her hand in front of my face, breaking me from my trance as I admired the all too handsome boy outside.

My cheeks heated up as I looked over at her, a smile making its way to my lips. "I'll be right back," I simply said to her before turning around and confidently making my way out of the store.

The early summer sun instantly hit my skin as I pushed the door open and stepped outside. Calum's back was now to me, showing off his back muscles that were extremely apparent in his white tee shirt.

I subtly moved so that I was standing right next to him, looking out at the busy street in front of us. "Hey you," I greeted him, never looking away from the street, even as he quickly looked over at me.

"India!" he exclaimed, excitement evident in his voice. He turned so that his body was completely facing me. I finally looked over at him, finally getting a clear look at his attractive face up close. "What are you doing here?"

"I was just shopping," I nodded my head towards the store I was just in. "What about you? What are you up to today?"

"I just gone done at the studio," he shoved his hands in the pockets of his striped pants that he looked as good as ever in. "It's not too far from here."

I nodded and looked up at him. His eyes were covered by the dark sunglasses, but I bet that his eyes looked really amazing when the sunlight hits them. I could say this all day long, but I really believe he's the most handsome guy I've ever seen.

"We've gotta stop meeting like this, India," Calum spoke again, this time while a small laugh escaped his lips. "I'm gonna start thinking it's fate."

"Maybe it is," I replied with a shrug of my shoulders. "But we wouldn't have to keep meeting like this if you'd just call and ask me to hangout."

This sudden confidence wasn't something that was normal to me. I'm normally not one to say things like that to boys, but Calum brings out something in me that most people don't.

He laughed once again at my response. His laugh was something that has become one of my favorite sounds ever since the night we got drunk in his backyard. The night was filled with playful flirting and a whole lot of giggling. That, and us almost kissing. I say almost because right when we got only a few inches away from each other, I, in my drunken state, pushed him into the pool that we were sitting on the edge of.

"Well, are you free now?" he tilted his head to the side.

In that moment, all I wanted was to hop in a car with him and go anywhere he wanted. And I would've done exactly that, had it not been for the fact that I was spending the day with Avani. 

"I can't," I sighed heavily, my shoulders slouching. The frown that took over Calum's lips made my heart wrench. "I'm spending the day with Avani before she leaves for New York tomorrow." Calum nodded, indicating that he understood why I couldn't. "Are you free tomorrow?"

That award winning smile of his quickly returned to his lips. "For you, I am."

"Smooth," I laughed, playfully hitting his stomach.

"I'll tell you what," he cleared his throat. "Send me your address at some point today and I'll pick you up in the morning, let's say nine o'clock. We'll spend the whole day together. How does that sound?"

My heart jumped at the idea of spending an entire day with him. He had one of those personalities that just makes you want to spend every single second of every single day right by his side.

"That sounds perfect."

Calum then took my hand in his. His nails were painted black, which was new since the last time I'd seen him. My hand fit perfectly in his, as cheesy as that might sound. It felt a little bit like our hands just molded together; like they were went to be together like this.

I'd just opened my mouth to say something to him, when there was a sudden collective of loud gasps and muffled screams coming from across the street. I broke the eye contact that the two of us were holding to see where the noise was coming from.

Across the street stood a huddle of about ten or so teenage girls, all looking at us with wide eyes and hands covering their mouths in surprise. I let go of Calum's hand, no matter how badly I wanted to squeeze it to comfort both of us. It was only then that I could see Calum finally look away from me and follow my gaze to the group of girls.

He let out a very quiet sigh, one that only I could hear, and then leaned a little closer to subtly whisper in my ear, "I'll make sure that we can have some privacy tomorrow."

Looking away from the girls who I was waving to while Calum whispered to me, I looked back up at him. It was his turn to wave the girls as I just as quietly said back, "I'm looking forward to it."

Shortly after, we said our goodbyes and I went back inside the store to find Avani. She was checking out after deciding on a few shirts and a necklace. As the cashier swiped each item, Avani turned to me with a suspicious look on her face. "I'd almost thought you ditched me for lover boy out there." 


ok this one is suuuuper short but it's okay because the next chapter will be super good and cute!!!

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