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Chorong sits on the gazebo at sky garden of the mansion. It's already her second month living here, don't even bother to contact both her parents. She closes her eyes, letting the summer breeze hit her beautiful face gently. She loves the view here, she can find peace looking at the sky. She sometimes do some yoga and paintings here.

She flips the pages of her purple sketchbook, finding an empty page. She takes her drawing pencil and starts sketching the view. She draws and paints to relieve her stress. Her sketches and painting canvas are like her diary. She expresses everything using arts.

Chorong- How I wish I am the sky. Beautiful inside and outside

Chorong sighs as she utter those words. She hums to the mellifluous rhythm on her earphones. Doing arts while listening to calming melody is the definite of peace. Chorong plays with the brushes, touching the paper on her sketchbook really. The colors make the drawing looks more beautiful. She feels someone touching her shoulder. She looks up.

Chorong- Hi, Suho
Suho- Hey, here you are. I was searching for you
Chorong- Really? Sorry, I was releasing my stress just now
Suho- By sitting in this old gazebo? I never come here since the day I bought this house
Chorong- I like looking at the sky. If other people go to the pool to release stress, I prefer sitting here, telling the sky everything
Suho- You told the sky everything? Hmm, like a diary

Chorong chuckles and continues painting her drawing. Suho looks at the sketchbook, it's the one he bought for her birthday last year. She said she doesn't need expensive Pandora rings or bracelets, she loves to receive things that she can use every day.

Suho- What are you painting?
Chorong- Uhm? Today's diary
Suho- Diary? With painting?
Chorong- Yes. People see it like some random sketches and paintings, but for me it's my diary. Because only me can understand
Suho- You don't tell your parents about your day? Your problem?

Chorong seems taken aback with Suho's words. She puts down the brush, starting at her painting. The word parents is too sensitive for her to hear from other's mouth. She looks at Suho.

Chorong- Never, not even once. I don't even spend time with my mom like how I spend time with Auntie Jiwon
Suho- Oh, really? There are still things that I don't know about you
Chorong- It's not important for outsider like you to know

Suho feels taken aback with Chorong's words. She's still with her decision. He really need to work harder so that Chorong can see the ready of sunlight in their relationship. Chorong closes her book and stands up. Suho holds Chorong's hand, asking her to stop.

Chorong- Why?
Suho- Are you free this Sunday?
Chorong- I'm always free. I'm not working right now
Suho- Do you want to go out with me?
Chorong- What for?
Suho- Well, there's a party at the company. I thought of taking you there
Chorong- M.. me?!

Chorong looks at Suho in disbelief. Is this guy mad or what? Taking his ex girlfriend to a damn company party? That's crazy! He is surely out of his mind. Suho looks at Chorong with hope. Chorong sighs.

Chorong- Suho, I..
Suho- Can you? I really need a company with me. You know, I'm the CEO there
Chorong- Well, it's just I don't have any suitable dress to wear
Suho- Let's go shopping

Suho pulls Chorong into the mansion's elevator, heading to the garage. After settling themselves, Suho drives his BMW to the nearest shopping complex.

When Suho says shopping, he ain't joking about that. He literally take Chorong to this damn luxurious complex. Not to mention all the boutique inside are well known designer brands. Chorong chokes on her own saliva. This guy isn't joking about spending his money here. Well, what do you expect from a billionaire?

Suho- Just pick anything. I will pay
Chorong- What?! For real, Suho? These are damn expensive!
Suho- Now, now, young lady. I think you need to talk with manners
Chorong- Tch, not you too. First Woohyun, then Minhyuk and more you? Shit in my life!

Suho cuss mentally looking at the stubborn Chorong. He waits for Chorong who's busy choosing dresses in the boutique. That's her behavior. Even if she refused to use his money, she'll end up using them like her own money. And he finds that cute. Suho pays for the clothes using his black card.

Chorong- Shit, that's crazy
Suho- What?
Chorong- You don't even give a damn about the price and slide your card just like that? That's superior
Suho- I'm a billionaire, remember?
Chorong- Yeah

They enter the cosmetic boutique. Chorong feels happy spending her time in there while Suho is still with his bored face. It's not his first time taking Chorong to Sephora, or more like she's dragging him dare. The least she'll spend inside the boutique is probably 2 hours and a half. Yeah, women are crazy.

Suho once again see his card without hesitation even after knowing the price. What Chorong wants, Chorong gets. And for him to not letting her have what her want is a big no. They walk out from the cosmetic boutique, heading to the bubble tea store. They sit on the bench as they enjoy the bubble teas.

Chorong- Thanks for sponsoring
Suho- I'm not sponsoring. It's normal for me to spend big amount of money for you right?
Chorong- Ah, right. Anyway, thanks. Thank you for the bubble tea
Suho- Thank you too for agreeing to be my company

Chorong smiles to Suho. After finishing their teas, Suho and Chorong grab their lunch. After that, with full stomach, they both go back home. On the other side...

???- Boss, we found her
???- Good job, keep an eye on her

to be continued

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