Merry christmas!

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For the last two weeks i've spent time with my bots and we've gotten very close.

"Wake up!! wake up!!! wake up!!!" Cierra said as she shook me franticly.

"I'm up!! im up!! im up!!" I screamed.

"Guess wat!! It's Christmas!!!" Bethany said jumping up and down.

"It is?! Oh cool!" I said as I jumped out of my bed. I looked at the clock it was 3:00 am in the morning.
"Um...bots?" I asked

"Yes?" Jordan said

"It 3:oo am in the morning!" I said

"I know we just wanted to give u your gift now while we can!" Isaac said.

"Aw guys.....and girls.. U didn't have to give me anything!" i said

"Can't robots just give there master something to show them that we care about about them and appreciate the master for making us?" Jordan asked as he lead me to my clothing tube.
"Watcha doing? Why am i in here?" I asked

"U'll see!" Isaac says as he turned into his cube mod so did the rest of my bots as they came in. I notice a new buttons it was purple. i pressed it then suddenly I started to fall and ended up sliding down a swirly side. I landed at the bottom. I opened my eyes to see a huge lab! The walls were blue, there was thousands of equipment! And the Robotmaster1000!

"The Robotmaster1000!!! But how!! was destroyed!" I said in amazement.

"We went back into the old lab and fixed it..... With some of our parts hope ur not mad!" Jordan said.

"Well... a little i can replace the missing parts anyways!" i said as i turned the machine on.
"Bots, get in it i want to do something!" I Said. My bots walked into there cubical. I don't know how they did it but they made it even better i gave them all there missing part and Isaac The parts that i wasn't able to give him.
"Ok bots follow me! i now got a surprise for u now! How can i get out?" I asked

"Over there next to the slide u can also get in that way too!" Cierra said as she got out of her tube. We all went up the elevator. I ran to my Christmas tree in my room and brought out each of there gifts.
"U didn't have to get us anything!" My bots said.

"Hey can't a master bless her bots with gifts?" I asked. My Bots just smiled at me. I gave them each there gifts. Isaac opened his gift i was a it was a black cube. Bethany got a pin, Cierra got a tablet and Jordan got a game goggles actually they all did! Jordan's is customized with a Venturiantale "V" on it.

"Wow! What is this?" Isaac asked as he looked at it his cube.

"Well it a roboxmaster9082." i said. all the bots looked confused.

"It's thing u talk about all the time Isaac that cube puzzle thingamajig.. that rub.....rub....."

"Rubix cube?" Isaac asked

"Yah that's it! Except this is electric and u can set the difficulty." I said

"Cool how do i turn it on?" Isaac asked

"Press the button on the top." Isaac turned it on, immediately Isaac started to solve it over and over again.

"Hey kay wats this?" Bethany asked me.

"It a pen."

"Just a pen"

"Well not just a pen press the button." i said Bethany did it turn into a crowbar Bethany flipped! Literally!

"Yay thanks for the tablet!" Cierra said

"No problem it a art tablet u can draw on it and paint." i said

"Thanks for the glass they are awesome!" Jordan said

"They aren't just any plan old glasses, they're gamer goggles. you play games on them." I said my bots faces lite up.

"Did u say gaming?" My bots said.

"Yah, i got a pair too! It's a game system but it's goggles." i said.

"Can we test them out now?" Jordan asked.

"I don't know it's 3:30 in the morning. It's kinda early!"


"Fine!!!!" I said giving in Isaac did his troll face in bot mode, he knows i hate it!

"Yay!! Can u how us how to use it?" Cierra asked.

"I don't know.......i really want to go back to bed!" I moaned

"Plz!!!!!!!!" My bots said. Jordan was doing a funny face , Isaac was troll facing, Cierra was talking in her sally voice, and Bethany was doing the puppy dog face.

"Fine!!! Stop with the faces and the voices i'll do it!!" I said.

"Yay!!" My bots said.

"Merry Christmas bots! U better happy it's Christmas!" I said

"Merry Christmas kaela!" My bots said hugging me. I hugged them back.
The things i do for my bots!


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