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The following days at school was absolutely normal...with the three brothers making a bunch of new friends. They did miss their previous school at Mumbai, but Kolkata had a different vibe of itself. The teachers had been helping them collect notes from everyone, though Rudy had personally told Ri that, " I'm taking all the notes from you, okay?" , to which, Ri's reply was," Alright Captain!"

On the other hand, Anika had already shared her notes with Om, and had also managed to ask her friend Chanda's elder brother Dandi, who was Shivaay's classmate, to help him out. To say that Shivaay was initially surprised, then touched by her friendly gesture, would be an understatement. He was a very quiet person, while Anika loved to talk. According to him, any person, let alone Anika, would find him boring. But he was proved wrong.

During this time, a girl named Svetlana had befriended him. She had seen Shivaay with his younger brothers, and truth be told, she possibly had a tiny crush on young Om. Well, it can't be helped if even at such a young age, he could attract people from the opposite gender. His quiet and introvert nature, along with that serene and calm look, added to his charming personality. It's only natural if girls found him interesting. Shivaay, on the other hand, had a calm and confident personality. He was proud of his family, and his strong and intelligent aura naturally demanded respect. Rudy was a bit different from his brothers. He was cute, funny and loved being surrounded by people. It was his jovial appearance that caught one's eye.

Svetlana had noticed one thing: other than his brothers, and his close friend Anika and Varun, the only person Om talked freely with, was: Gauri. She had seen how every time Gauri came running towards the team, Om's face lit up. The two of them shared a really beautiful bond. She really wanted to be friends with him the way Gauri was. Hence, befriending his brother. Though she had proved to be a great friend to Shivaay as well.

A few months had passed after the three had joined school, and soon it was nearing the end of the session. One day, during break, the whole gang was having their lunch, when Veer turned up. Seeing him, Gauri instinctively clutched Om's hand, without noticing. Immediately, Om gave a tight squeeze to her hand. When she turned towards him with a troubled expression, he blinked at her reassuringly, and she smiled in relief. Shivaay looked at him and said, " Arey Veer, do you want to sit with us?" Veer rolled his eyes and said, "Sorry blue boy, but that's not what I came for." That's when another gang member, Mohit, Shivaay's friend spoke," If you don't want to have lunch with us, then what is it?"

Veer's voice boomed in the lunch room. He spoke, " I came to talk to Anika, of course! Do you think I'm the least bit interested in you guys?" At that moment, Gauri, as well as Shivaay, glared at the burly boy. If looks could kill, by now, Veer would have been six feet under. Anika got up from her seat and then calmly spoke, " What is it?" That's when Veer said," We have the school annual program in a month. You are going to dance with me."

It took everyone a whole minute to digest his idea. Gauri was the first one to gain her senses back. She marched to Veer, then poking her finger on his chest, like a gundi, said," Listen you Vanmanush (caveman), you are no one, and I repeat, no one to order my sister. She might be younger than you, and that's the only reason why you are still alive after dictating her, but trust me, neither I nor our Bhai is like her. I'll tell bhai how you treat our friends and us, then you'll know what it means to bully Sahil Roy Choudhury's sisters." The moment he heard Sahil's name, Veer's face ashenned. He managed to croak, " Sa...sahil Roy Choudhury is your elder brother?" Seeing his scared expression, the Oberoi brothers tried hard to stifle their laughter. Rudy then said, " Yes! Sahil bhai is Anika didi and Ri's elder brother. By now I think you already know his temper."

But suddenly, Veer's expression changed. He smiled way too sweetly at Anika and said smugly, " Well actually, that's a good thing. I know Sahil bhaiyaa personally. He won't reject me."   From a distance, seeing her friend Shivaay looking at someone with rage, Svetlana decided to go and check the matter. Walking in to the scene, she spoke," Arey! Why are you all standing? Don't you want to finish your lunch or what?"  That's when she noticed Veer, as he looked to his side to see the source of that excited, yet soft voice. And bam! something happened somewhere. As if a bell rang.

(A/N: You know what could have happened 😉🤭)

Both of them kept looking at each other for a couple of seconds, after which Veer gave her an unusually charming smile, then forwarded his hand and said in a natural, yet cool voice, " Hi....I'm Veer Chauhan. May I know the name of the sweet angel who just came into the scene?" His line made Svetlana blush slightly, and she said smiling, "Hello.  I'm Svetlana Thakur. It's a pleasure meeting you."

The cute exchange made Shivaay raise his eyebrows, while Om and Rudy whispered to each other at the same time, "Oh yeh ho kya raha hai!?" (what is even happening!?) Remembering that they have an audience, who were looking at them with a baffled expression that screamed "explain", Svetlana cleared her throat and tried coming up with something, " Vo my Papa said that making new friends is good for health....hehehe." She of course was confused with the way her heart was thumping loudly, as if it wanted to jump out of her chest. Same was with Veer. But he knew one thing in this couple of minutes, and that was: he did not want to dance with Anika anymore. Because he had found Svetlana, his barbie doll.


Holla dear readers!!

Sowwy sowwy sowwy! I couldn't update due to network issues. I hope you are enjoying my story, as much as I am enjoying it while writing.  Thank you so much for the precious reads, votes and comments on the previous chapter!

Loads of love to all,

Take care,

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