9. You Did Not Scare Me Away

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To: Finn

It's alright, I understand.

You were frustrated, I get that.

Don't worry about it.

By the way, you didn't scare me away.

I scared myself away.

Like I told you, my thoughts are bigger than the words I actually speak.

When I was saying that this idea was stupid, I was only saying 1/8 of what I was actually thinking.

I think way too much.

Some people call me a "worry wart".

But, I don't blame them for calling me that though cause it's quite true.

I would like to keep writing to you, if you don't mind.

No more thinking this was a stupid idea, cause now it has a purpose.

We both need help, we can both infer on that.

We do not need to change who we are, we're not here for that.

I think these letters will heal the both of us, I guess you can say.

We're both a little broken, and that's okay.

We both just haven't really comprehended that yet.

- Beauty
( I would very much like to be the person you can talk to about anything. :) )

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