7. Broken Fighter

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Another pic of Finn^^^

1 month and 2 weeks later....

To: Beauty

I know you said to stop writing letters, but I don't think I can.

You see, I think I need these letters as much as you do.

To be honest, when you first started writing letters to me; To be blunt, I kinda thought it was weird.

I'm glad you wrote them though.

I would like to have someone to tell my thoughts and opinions with too.

My mom basically said the same thing.

"Finn, dear, can you come here a moment?"

"Yeah, what's up mom?"

"How have you been? You've been in your room and out of the house alone. A lot lately."

"I'm fine, mom. I know I've been alone lately, so what?

"I'm just a little concern, is all."


"I just think it would be a good idea for you to talk to someone, ya know?"

"You mean, like a therapist?"

"No. I mean, like a friend."

"Oh. I have friends."

"Yeah, but you don't really hangout with them anymore. I'm just saying-"

"No, no, I get it mom. You want me to actually bring someone over and hangout with them. You, want me, to actually talk to someone, and express my feelings. You want me to not be so quiet, so.......bottled up. I get it."

I'm a different kind of guy now.

I once was popular; people knew who I was.

I used to be one of the star players on the basketball team.

I even had a group of friends and a girlfriend, believe it or not.

But then, I don't know. I guess I got depressed, and things went down hill from there.

I quit the basketball team.

I just didn't have the thrive, and effort anymore.

My team and friends said I was a quitter; that I shouldn't have just "given up".

My girlfriend said I didn't even pay attention to her anymore.

She broke up with me the next day.

My mom thinks it's just a stupid phase, that I'm in denial.

Well, I can tell you right now.

I'm not in denial, nor a quitter.

I'm depressed, that does not make me a fucking quitter.

It makes me a broken fighter.

Your the first person I've told.

So if you really want to stop writing letters.....

Go ahead and be my guest.

Cause, everything else in my life is basically gone now.

- Finn
( I didn't use a def. this time )

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