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the band and i along with our manager, michael and record producer, andy, all sat in the studio, finishing off the recordings to the last song off our first album 'burning hot' which was to be released very soon

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the band and i along with our manager, michael and record producer, andy, all sat in the studio, finishing off the recordings to the last song off our first album 'burning hot' which was to be released very soon.

"so you think i should sing this part a little higher?" i look up at andy, referring to the hook just before the chorus.

"yeah, i reckon that would sound better rather than the same vocals as the first verse," he nods as he sits back down in the chair he had just previously been sitting in.

"aright, should we do another take?" i stand up, getting ready to enter the recording booth for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"oka—" suddenly before andy could finish his sentence the studio door obnoxiously flys open.

i spin around at the sound where i see four men stumble into the room, "andy we got some sick new id—" one of them starts to say, his words fading out as he realises it wasn't just andrew in the studio.

"you know today's thursday right?" andy sighs in annoyance, "you guys are in tomorrow, not today."

"oh shit," the same man from moments ago speaks.

my eyes scan the four men, taking in their rockstar like appearance. lots of leather, long, messy hair and a strong stench of alcohol, they looked like your typical rockers and i loved it. it didn't take much for me to realise who these men were, they were from the band 'electric blue', one of the biggest bands in the world right now.

they weren't in my top five bands or anything but from the songs i've heard on the radio they do make some pretty sick music i must say.

"could've sworn today was fuckin' friday," another voice says.

my eyes travel to the man of whom the voice came from. he was very lanky and stood about six foot four, his quite obviously died black hair reached a little past his shoulders and his dark brown eyes were bloodshot and red. he had a silver hoop pierced through his nose and various tattoos scattered along his arms. he was very, very attractive to say the least.

i couldn't remember his name but i recognised him as the lead guitarist. i had heard about his problematic reputation, to put it simply he was a drug fucked, playboy who had a hot temper and a strong history of getting in trouble for his decisions. in fact it wasn't just him, i had heard about the whole band's reputation which was much like his. they seemed to be the definition of 'sex, drugs and rock n roll.'

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