Unwilling Bride, Persuasive Groom

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Barsham stood bored in court, the King and Queen were conducting business and as part of the deal he made he had to attend, however Diana kept a close eye on him. She was standing right beside the queen on her most vulnerable side. Her head still as she listened to whoever came to court to discuss anything with the King or the Queen. Did that mean she was really paying attention just as though he was to be? He did not know, instead he saw her glance over at him and he couldn't help but grin at her. Rolling her eyes was her reply to him and it made him hide a chuckle.

"The Cardinal makes a point, Diana is old enough to be married and she did come to court for lesson of being a lady but her call to be a wife is just as important." The king spoke up and those words caught Sam's ears, he knew this was going to happen.

"She is still learning the ways, she is not ready to be married." The Queen spoke defending her cousin.

"Her birthing days will be gone before we know it, she must marry and carry and heir before her time to do so is spent." The Cardinal spoke up as he looked to Diana.

Clearing his voice, Barsham walked forward but waited to be recognized by the King or Queen. The king saw him and motioned him forward. Bowing, Sam then stood and went before the King and Queen.

"Your Majesty, I would offer to have the young lady's hand in marriage. As you know I am in need of a wife, I own a large estate and have much to contribute to the lady's welfare as well as to contribute to the family. I could arrange a wedding within the week, if it would serve you well my king?' Sam asked the King more than the Queen.

Diana was shocked and flabbergasted. What did that fool think he was doing? The King considered the offer and contemplated what all would happen if he agreed to giving Diana's hand in marriage to lord Barsham, he needed no alliance at the moment and young Diana was only causing the men and women of the court to gossip more than usual. The Queen moved to speak only to have her husband hold up his hand to stop her.

"Granted, one week you will be married in the chapel here. Then you may go to your estate but you must take her lover with you. He may come in use nights you do not need her around." The King jested making the men around him laugh. "Come forward Diana."

Diana obeyed the King's request. She came forward to stand right before Lord Barsham. Sam smiled and took Diana's hand in his carefully kissing the topside of her hand. After which he turned around all the while still holding her hand.

"Hear this, in one weeks' time we will celebrate the union of Lord Barsham and my wife's cousin Lady Diana. After which Lord Barsham will attest more to the crimes of Lady Camile, perhaps you could even suggest a punishment Lady Diana." The King said and Diana kept her face forward.

Gripping her hand, Sam lead Diana out of the throne room. Once in the hall, he released her hand and waited to hear what she would do to him. Instead he saw her look at him with worry and fear in her eyes. He panicked and embraced her there in the hall. He hated to see a woman cry, now he didn't know if she would kill him or just cry on him.

"Do not be upset with me, it was me or one of those pompous old men who would do only god knows what to you." Sam said as he pulled away and looked at her.

"I do not want to marry someone I do not love" Diana cried into her hands.

"My lady, please believe me when I say I understand. I will not force any customs upon you for I know where your heart truly lies. However this will all be an act, after the wedding I will attest to Camile's actions and she will be punished just as you wanted." Sam explained as Simon came up behind them. "Brendan! Please get her to stop crying."

Simon looked at Diana confused. She turned around and explained what had happened. In truth Simon wanted to punch Lord Barsham right in the face. He didn't understand why he would even suggest that, until the Lord made that clear as well.

"Sorry, however it was me or one of those fat bastards. I couldn't stand to see that." Sam said as the doors to the throne room opened and the people came out.

Sam lead Diana and Simon away to his room. They all sat and waited to hear what would happen next. Diana didn't know anything about wedding from this time, she didn't think she would be there long enough to worry about something like that. Sighing she looked to Simon.

"Say she's having my child." Simon exclaimed trying to come up with an idea.

"Ah, and have her sent to the chopping block? Not the best idea my good man, I am only marrying her in name, everyone knows you have her heart." Sam said as he took a large drink of brandy.

"Then what will they say about you and her?" Simon asked.

"They know I would not be loyal to her, wouldn't hurt my reputation or hers. Everyone wins." Sam grinned.

"Not in the eyes of god." Diana whimpered.

Both men looked over at her. Simon knew her background, Abigail who was Diana's mother was one of the best agents ever and Aro who was Diana's father was a well respected Roman. What would cause their daughter to be like this? Simon knelt by Diana and took her hand.

"Diana, he's right. It's just in name." Simon whispered and then leaned closer so she could only her him in her ear. "Not even your true name, it means nothing I promise."

Two days had passed and everyone was gossiping about how Diana was to be married to Lord Barsham, however someone had put their own spin on the story. The newest gossip concerning the story was that the King wanted Barsham to marry Diana so he couldn't go around sleeping with any of the other ladies in waiting. Keeping her wits about her, as well as her anger in check, Diana went to Sam's room and saw him about to be getting dressed, the woman about to undress him from his night robes froze the moment she saw Diana.

"What's made you stop?" Barsahm asked.

"You are dismissed miss, I assure you the Lord can dress himself." Diana spoke with authority in her voice as she walked right up to Barsham. "Can you not my Lord?"

Barsham nodded and the woman fled the room as fast as her legs could carry her. Sam sighed as he began to dress himself. Diana went over to the fire and looked into it. Anything to distract herself from the man changing not too far from her.

"I suppose you have a good reason coming here so early?" Sam asked as he continued his take.

"Afternoon, the morning has already come and gone. There is new gossip of our situation." Diana sighed as she closed her eyes.

"Oh joy, more gossip I can only fathom what is about the ladies tongues today." Sam countered unimpressed with any gossip.

"They say the king wants you to marry me to keep you away from the ladies in waiting." Diana says as she turns back to see him only dressed in a shirt, pants and long boots. "Think of what this will do."

"It seems a logical thought though, one I would put past a simple lady. This was planted by someone with a name, someone who was trying to protect perhaps another lady in waiting." Sam thought as he sat down in a chair and contemplated his thoughts.

"It will tarnish my reputation to marry such a scoundrel as you." Diana huffs as she walked to the opposite chair that Sam was occupying.

"Not it won't, if anything it will make you look like my savior when I stop sleeping around." Sam said as he stood and paced the floor before the fireplace. "Marrying me, it will make you look like a true angel, saving me from my devilsh ways of the night, sleeping from one woman to another will stop with you. You will have high praise if anything."

Diana raised her eyebrow at his words, she could see where he was coming from but she wasn't sure if it would work they way he was speaking. She watched him carefully as she notice the tie in the front of his shirt was undone. Blushing she looked away trying to think of anything else.

"You can look you know, we are to be married." Sam smiled and waved his eye brows in a suggestive manner.

"The only day I sleep with you will be the day I know I am too drunk of the be sent to the chopping block." Diana said with a huff and left the room.

"I hope it doesn't come to that." Sam grinned as he grabbed and apple from a nearby table and took a bite of it. " I know it won't come to that." 

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