Gift, Kiss, Dress and Rain

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Diana sighed as she put down the book she was attempting to read. Her mind was quite beyond distracted, and she wondered what she had gotten herself into. Simon had gone to help with a banquet the king was throwing, lord only knew for what this time, still she chose not to attend but instead to have some time to herself. Even with time to herself, she could not help but think what Lord Barsham would require of her after they were married. Would she have to pretend to have relations with him? Would he force her to walk about with him just so he could show her off? So many questions ran through her head as a whistle caught her attention. Looking to her right she saw him, Lord Barsham himself. She thought it was true what they said, speak or think of the devil and he appears.

"There you are my dear, I have a gift for you." Lord Barsham said as he went to Diana and took her free and kissing it.

"What gift do you speak of?" she questioned unsure what he would dare give her.

He then placed a small box in her hand. It was what looked to be a handcrafted wooden box and the initial "D" was inscribed on the top. Did he have one for each letter of the alphabet in case he met someone with a different letter?

"Open it." He grinned anxiously.

Diana put her book to the side and turned her attention to the box. She took off the dark green bow and opened the box. Inside was a ring, it was small but quite beautiful. The center stone that stood alone was a sapphire. How did he know that was her favorite gem? She had not even told Simon that.

"Samuel, it's beautiful." Diana said as she looked at the ring.

"Put it on." He encouraged her.

Diana tried the ring on all her finger's, but it only fit on one finger. Her left ring finger. She smiled as she looked at the ring. It truly was beautiful, but she wondered why he had given her a gift at all. As she was about to speak, she saw three ladies off to the side looking at them. They looked to be giddy and giggling as they watched the scene before them. Of course, the ladies in waiting would report not only to the Queen but to the King as well. She had better make it look real then, smiling she grabbed Sam and kissed him. She wanted them to have something good to report, what she did not expect was for Sam to entangle his fingers in her hair and deepen the kiss. Her head was telling her to pull away before it was too late while her body wanted to explore this new sensation she was having. Finally, breathless they pulled away; Sam only winked at her.

"I should buy you gifts more often, wear the ring and think of me every time you look upon it." He grinned and then kissed her cheek and took off.

Diana blinked a few times, trying to process what had just happened. She was unsure of what to make of the whole situation, but she knew for sure that the ladies in waiting go the show they wanted. They took off giggling not too long after Sam took his leave. Going back to her room, she sat there before the fireplace as she tried to think. She knew she would have to marry Sam, but she did not love him. She was completely unaware that Simon had come back, he saw her sitting before the fire and was concerned. He sat down behind her and then held her from behind. Diana leaned back into him; his touch was so comforting.

"He gave me a ring and kissed me today..." Diana confessed knowing Simon needed to know the truth.

"Quite a random thing to do..." Simon asked skeptical.

"There were three ladies in waiting watching us. Simon when I kissed him it did not feel the same as when I kiss you." Diana said as she turned to look at Simon. "I prefer to kiss you."

Simon smiled and kissed her forehead. Just her saying that made him so happy. He hugged her tighter, she however put her arms around his neck and kissed him right on the lips. Simon did not deny her anything, he kissed her back with as much passion as he could muster. He wanted to be Diana's first everything, but he did not know if he truly was her first. Laying her down on the rug, Simon pulled back only for a moment.

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