s i x

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hey taeil
i know it's lunch
but all my friends are doing their usual
lovey dovey shit in front of my face
it's sick
jaehyun is feeding taeyong
johnten are making out
yuwin are cuddling
it's disgustang
save me

seen 1:25pm

moonie taeil<3
i feel u
nomin are feeding renjun
it's cute but disgusting and makes me feel single
markhyuck is making out
a g a i n
chensung are cuddling too
luwoo is being idk
like lucas is kissing jungwoo's face
that shit lowkey disgusting
makes me wanna🤮

god save us
why am i single

moonie taeil<3
sigh :(
oh btw
since today is friday and i legit
have no work becuz mr john wasn't feeling like a dick today
so im gonna start editing the cover! :)

and yay
mention me when u post ur cover >:(
or else

moonie taeil<3
i will🙄
ur so whiny
I am skipping school
i hate lunch
im heading out to the alley for some bubble tea
call me rn

ur skipping schooL?!
i would never
but okay i can call u
plus after lunch i have like free period
i can do whatever :)

moonie taeil<3
gimme liek
i need to put my tray away first

seen at 1:37pm


Taeil sighed at the sight displayed before his eyes. The four couples having a blissful time with one another. Taeil felt a sort of longing for that kind of attention. He secretly craved for that kind of attention from a special someone. He wishes he a significant other where he could spend his quality time with. He longed so much for a kind of person like that. In the back of his head, he silently wished his special someone was Kim Doyoung. He pictured both him and Doyoung walking by the Han River, holding hands before Taeil shook his head vigorously, denying the fact that he had a slight crush on the younger. Taeil tried banishing those thoughts in his head that seem to be running though his mind all day.

Abruptly, Taeil stood up from his seat, making a loud dragging noise on the floor. His whole table stopped what they were doing to quietly stare at Taeil. He made a sad face to the entire table, his gaze softened before he looked down staring at his tray frowning. He hastily picked it up, his gaze snapping back up at the table.
"Taeil hyung, where are you going? We have 30 minutes of lunch left." softly asked Jungwoo from Yukhei's lap. Taeil showed a thin, wary smile at Jungwoo.
"Yeah hyung, were are you going?" asked Jisung.
"I'm gonna go out. I'm gonna skip the rest of day. Bye" quickly replied Taeil as he walked away from the table, dumping his tray at the designated area.
The entire table looked at each with kunfused (I'm sorry i had to, Kun IS my bias) faces. Their thoughts racing around their heads. They knew something was going on with Taeil. He never skipped school before. He was a straight A student, always in school. This is was a first.



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