t w e n t y o n e

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Doyoung reached Taeil's house later than intended. His mother asked him to help clean the living room so he had to spend extra time with his mother. However, he arrived in time to find out that everyone has arrived and was already slightly intoxicated by the alcohol. He walked into the living room to find Johnny and Ten making out on the kitchen countertop. Disgusted by the sight, Doyoung moved into the living room where his eardrums were slowly going to go deaf since the music blasting was undoubtedly at its maximum volume. He then saw Donghyuck walking groggily towards him holding a red cup which presumably held alcohol.

"Hey Doyoung hyung! You're really late you know that and also Taeil hyung was looking for you but cause you didn't come early he started to drink haha" drunkenly spat out Donghyuck before stumbling to the ground.

Doyoung got really concerned that his small friend started to drink. So he looked everywhere for Taeil, in hopes he could find the elder before he intoxicated himself more than he needed to. After what seemed like hours, Doyoung found Taeil in the backyard crying while staring up at the sky.

"Taeil?" mumbled Doyoung

Taeil turned around and was met with the taller male looking down at him with a concerned face. Taeil then stood up and started to softly punch the younger's chest. Doyoung slowly removed Taeil's hands and held it in his.

"Taeil? What happened?" softly whispered Doyoung

"You happened you know I thought you weren't coming! So I. started drinking and crying cause like what if you didn't want to see me!" cried Taeil as more tears started streaming down his cheeks (a/n: lowkey have no idea where i'm going with this)

"Hey! I do want to see you! You're like my best friend okay! I definitely want to see you!"

"Liar! I also don't like the word best friend!"

"W-what do you mean?"

"You stupid idiot I like you dumb ass!"

"You what?!"

Before Doyoung could choke out another word, Taeil grabbed the front of Doyoung's shirt and smashed his lips onto the taller male. Doyoung, obviously shocked, tensed up at first but soon relaxed as this was what Doyoung wanted to do for quite a while. Taeil slowly releases his hands from Doyoung's shirt and made it's way to his head. Doyoung snaked his hands around Taeil's small waist, pulling Taeil closer to his body until their bodies were pressing against one another. Shortly after, they broke away, out of breath, but resting their foreheads together. Doyoung smiled at Taeil, who's face was tinted a dark shade of red. Doyoung hoisted Taeil, his legs wrapping around Doyoung's waist. Taeil snuggled his head into Doyoung's neck. (a/n: it suddenly started raining for like 5 seconds?? tf)

Doyoung brought Taeil up to his room and laid him down on the bed. Taeil had his eyes closed so Doyoung was about to exit the room until he heard a soft voice telling him not to go. Doyoung smiled and turned around to join the older male in bed. He slid under the blankets and snaked his hands around the older male's waist before slowly drifting off to sleep.




yo! another update cuz i lowkey didn't update for a week and i feel bad :(

and also cuz i most probably won't update tmr cuz i'm going to the hospital again huhu
anyways, shit chapter but taeil finally confesses?? yay uwu
lmao anyways i hope yall enjoyed this chapter i made at literally 2:14am

have a good day/night!🌟

-love syah🕊

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