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"Taeil hyung! Wake your lazy ass up! It's 10am and there's no food!" yelled Hyuck

Taeil groaned and rubbed his eyes groggily. He realised he was in the living room and started to panic but recalled the details of the night before. He smiled but remembered that Hyuck said it was 10am on a Sunday and they hadn't had breakfast yet.

"OH SHIT!" yelled Taeil

"oh shit indeed hyung," echoed Chenle "anyways hyung, why were you sleeping on the couch? You do realise you have your own room and bed right?"

"Oh I uh was calling someone yesterday and didn't want to disturb your sleep now shut up, I need to make food for you guys" replied Taeil

"You don't have to do that hyung, I already ordered food" explained Mark

Taeil sighed in relief and fell back onto the couch but jumped back up. (a/n: i have no where i'm going with this but let's hope it's good :D) He ran up to his room. Taeil took out his phone and realised he had only 1% left and cried out in frustration. Why did calling someone use up so much battery? He plugged his phone into the charger and went and took a nice cool shower to take time to sort out his thoughts. Did he really have a crush on the younger? Oh god, was he really thinking about things like this? He needed to focus on his studies.

Taeil then stepped out of the shower and slid on a pair of black ripped jeans and a simple white shirt. He rubbed the towel on his head until his hair was only damp. He hung the towel inside the toilet, took his phone and walked downstairs. He noticed the dreamies were gathered around the dining table and noted that the food had already arrived. Taeil grabbed his keys to the house and his car keys and walked out the door. The seven of them looked at each other with kunfused (a/n: and it's back and WayV is having a freaking comeback :D YAY) faces and decided that Taeil was indeed acting strange.

Taeil walked out to his car (a/n: to clarify Taeil is 19 yrs old and u can get ur license at 17 apparently so he has a car :D) out in the front and opened the door. He settled into the driver's seat and inhaled sharply before starting the car. He carefully slid the car oout of the parking area and settled the car into a comfortable speed. The drive to Kun's house was only 10 minutes, 20 minutes by foot but he was lazy to walk. Soon enough he pulled up into Kun's driveway. He cautiously parked the car and hopped out of the car. He rang the bell and waited patiently.

Soon the front door opened revealing the younger chinese male. Kun looked at Taeil with a KUNFUSED face as Taeil walked up to the door. Kun opened the door wider to let older korean male through.

"You're dressed nice, who you meeting up with?" questioned Kun

"Nah, not meeting anyone, i was gonna buy bubble tea," answered Taeil, "I haven't eaten breakfast yet, you got food?"

"Hahaha yeah i got food. I just made some fried rice. Hansol was supposed to come over but cancelled last minute so I have extra fried rice."

"Thanks Kun"

"What brings you here anyways?" asked Kun as he brought out the plates and fried rice

"I need to figure out something without the dreamies cause they aren't gonna help with anything"

"Haha what is it?"

"You know Doyoung from SM High?"

"Yeah! I heard he was a big fan of yours, you know him?"

"Yeah he is a fan of mine and i know him. We're friends. But thing is, I uh, may have somehow developed some kind of uhhh romantic uh feelings for him?" Taeil scratched the back of his neck

"Oh? That's a surprise! You hadn't liked someone since Jiwon! This is amazing!" Kun cried out

"Uh I don't think it's amazing"

"What in - Jesus Christ Taeil you need to let the past go! I'm sure Doyoung is not gonna treat you the same way that shitty trashcan looking ass is gonna treat you!"

"I-I mean, I guess but like I don't know Kun"

"Fine take your time Taeil now eat this fried rice i attempted to make. This shit better be good"




that's the whole chapter tho😔 and taeil accepts his feelings for doyoungie
i'm proud of this old man✋😔also sorry for updating late😔i was distracted😔😔
hope u enjoy tho :D and thank u to those who are reading this🥰🥰🥰

have a good day/night!🌟

-love syah🕊

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