t w e n t y t w o

350 19 15

Taeil slowly awoke and rubbed his eyes. He had a terrible headache engulfing him but that only made him realise the position he was in right now. He blushed a really bright red and let out a small squeak. Doyoung awoke to the sound of Taeil's squeak and smiled softly at the elder male. (a/n: help it's raining here and i feel lowkey scared and also my room is damn cold)

"Uh doyoung, what are you doing here?" whispered Taeil

"Oh I was sleeping with you?" replied Doyoung

"I know, I'm not stupid but like?"

"Oh uh you drank yesterday and was also crying? Because I came late and then i found you in the backyard and then you were like 'oh you don't to see me' and shit. I then was like of course I wanna see you, you're my best friend and you said 'I don't like the word best friend!' and then said you liked me and then kissed me and i brought you up here to sleep!"

Doyoung smiled brightly after explaining the whole situation to Taeil who was just silently lying down there with an obvious blush on his cheeks. Doyoung cooed at the elder's blush on his cheeks while cupping Taeil's face in his hands.

"Hey Taeil, will you be my boyfriend?"


"Will you be my loving boyfriend Taeil?"


And with that, Doyoung pressed his lips onto Taeil's. Taeil's lips were so soft, it tasted a bit like strawberry, something Doyoung could get used to. The younger male then pulled back, out of breath but then redirecting his kisses to Taeil's jawline. Kissing each spot slowly and softly, not missing a single area. He then landed his kisses on Taeil's collarbone until he reached a certain spot where Taeil suddenly let out a soft moan.




right i'm leaving it there cuz i can't finish it
help me, it's literally 2:40am and i just can't-
might end in two chapters? idk yet huhu
anyways enjoy my third update of the day yay

have a good day/night!🌟

-love syah🕊

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