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It was a bright day. Taeil did not appreciate that. He left his sunglasses back at home and now he was being blinded by the Sun. He could not hate the day even more. Soon they arrived at The WoodLands amusement park. Taeil was grateful that there were absolutely nobody around, well maybe a few scattered around but it was close to empty meaning that they were free to go to whichever ride they wanted. The younger ones cheered while Taeil shook his head and went to the ticket counter.
"I'd like to buy eight tickets please" requested Taeil.
"Alright sir, that would be $30.00" replied the cashierman (a/n: idk if this is the name😣i'm sorry)
Taeil looked through his wallet fished out $30 before recieving eight tickets in response.

Taeil walked back to the seven children he was supposedly babysitting. He smiled at the seven as he saw that they were laughing with each other about random things. He felt a small spark of happiness as he saw the younger ones feeling as though they were his own children. He loved them so much. Suddenly, he pictured him and Doyoung sitting by the beach with a young child running around them laughing. He then snapped out of that trance as he realised what he was thinking about. He blushed slightly and shook his head.

"Hey hyung! Did you get the tickets or what?!" yelled Hyuck

"Yeah i got the tickets!" replied Taeil

The seven of them raced up to Taeil with no hesitation. Taeil calmly put his out asking them to stop. (a/n: HAJHSJAHSJSJ moon taeil king) He then made them line up before handing out the tickets. Soon they all raced off with their significant other all except for Renjun. (a/n: renjun is so cute🥺) Renjun realised that Taeil had no one to go on the rides with if everyone had went with their significant other. Renjun placed his hand in Taeil's and tugged his hand in the direction of a roller coaster. Taeil looked at Renjun with a confused face as he blindly followed the younger. Taeil was absolutely confused.

"Uh renjun? Why aren't you going with nana and jeno?" asked Taeil
"Because you hyung would be lonely and i don't want you to be lonely" replied Renjun nonchalantly as he shrugged.

Taeil softly smiled to himself before he muttered a small thank you as he raced off with Renjun by his side to the roller coaster. And to say the least, Taeil enjoyed the day at the amusement park.


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