Chapter 1

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Chloe was in her best friend's apartment watching TV. It was Friday which meant the five girls were having a sleepover at Aubrey's.

"Order up!" Stacie yelled as she put the snacks on the table. She sat next to Chloe who was sitting next to Aubrey.

Later the door opened to reveal Flo. She immediately threw herself onto the three girls on the couch.

"My day was so hard!" Flo groaned before Stacie pushed her off.

"Okay pitchies let's start the weekend off with listening to some music!" Amy yelled as she walked into the room. She connected her phone to the Bluetooth speaker and played her favorite song from her favorite group.

"Really Amy? What's with you and listening to this group?" Aubrey shook her head.

"Their music is awesome for one and they have awesome voices. They've been famous for a decade now and they're our age!" Amy yelled.

"Really Amy, you're the only one who likes their music." Aubrey shook her head.

"Actually Bree you're the only one who doesn't like their music. We love it." Stacie stated as she pointed at the other two girls.

After listening to the song they started looking through channels. Amy made them watch an interview of the group Dynamic.

"Really Amy? First we listen to their new song and now we have to watch their interview. You're obsessed with them." Aubrey frowned.

"Shut up the interview is starting." Amy shushed the girl before looking at the TV.

Host: Welcome to another episode of  Into The Music. Today we're joined by three siblings who made their way up the charts at a young age and are now three of the best musicians around. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the members of Dynamic!

The three siblings walk towards their chairs as the crowd cheers.  They greet the host with hugs and handshakes.

Host: So how's life been treating you?

Jesse: Awesome, we're currently working on a new album actually.

Host: Wow, that's incredible considering that you just finished shooting a movie a few days ago.

Jesse: Well yes, but it's not like we had major roles in that movie.

Host: So when is this new album coming out? I'm sure your fans wanna know.

Beca: The album isn't a rush. We wanna take some time off to spend with our dad. I mean when was the last time we had a nice home cooked meal?

Emily: Last time we had a home cooked meal was the last time I cooked so......Christmas? When you cook the food tastes like char cause you guys are terrible at cooking.

Jesse: Words hurt you know! (Laughs)

Beca: It's true though, cooking isn't our greatest strength. (Shrugs)

Host: So where do you plan on taking this break? The Bahamas, Hawaii, the people wanna know.

Emily: Hawaii sounds like fun,  but we just wanna have some time with our dad, so we'll probably just go back home.

Jesse: Or we can go get dad and go on a road trip. Whichever makes dad feel more comfortable.

Host: You really love your dad don't you?

Emily: Of cause we do. If it wasn't for him we wouldn't be here today.

Host: Our time is almost up, so I have-

"What the hell Aubrey?! Turn the TV back on!" Stacie yelled.

"No, you're obsessed with their music like it's something special."

"How can you say that when you've never listened to it?" Flo raised an eyebrow.

"I just got thrown off the second I heard their name. I mean why would you name yourselves 'Dynamic'? Also all superstars are exactly the same, they all think they rule the world. They're just jerks."

"You're right but that doesn't change the fact that their music is awesome Bree." Chloe said.

"Or the fact that they're super hot." Stacie smirked.

"Whatever. Can we go back to our sleepover now?" Aubrey sighed.

"Fine." Amy groaned.

After the interview the three siblings headed to their hotel room to pack for home.

"We finally get to go back home!" Emily yelled as she threw herself on Beca's bed.

"We finally get a chance to relax too. When was the last time we just had a lazy Sunday?" Jesse sighed walking into Beca's room.

"I just wanna go back to my old room, see dad, Katherine, Tupac, Billie and Duke." Emily gushed and Beca rolled her eyes. Tupac was their hamster, Billie was their golden retriever and Duke was their Italian greyhound.

"Who in their right mind names a hamster Tupac?" Beca smiled.

"The name suits him okay? Besides you and Jesse got to name the dogs." Emily pouted.

"Whatever dude. Get off my bed so I can finish packing my bags."

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Emily asked with a hopeful smile.

"You're not eleven anymore Emily, you can sleep in your own bed." Beca frowned.

Emily pouted and suddenly had glossy eyes. Making Beca groan and nod in agreement.

"You my badass sister are whipped by your own baby sister." Jesse chuckled before Beca threw a shoe at him.

"Jesse can you finish packing my bags for me pwease?" Emily pouted.

"Sure thing Em." Jesse smiled and Beca raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay both of us are whipped by our little sister." Jesse sighed.

"Either that or she's some kind of hypnosis expert." Beca grinned at the younger girl who was sitting comfortably on the bed.

They finished up their packing and went straight to bed. In the morning the three siblings headed to the airport.

After five hours of flying and a one hour drive they finally made it to their old house. They got out the taxi and ran to the door. Their dad opened the door and Billie ran to Jesse.

"Hey, boy. I missed you too." Jesse cooed as his golden retriever licked his face.

"Tupac! Mommy's home!" Emily yelled as she ran upstairs to her room.

"I need some ice cream right now." Beca said as she walked towards the kitchen and was greeted by Duke.

"Wow, all three of my kids ignoring me, just like old times." Ryan sighed before getting their bags into the house.

"What's for dinner tonight?" Beca asked with a mouth full of chocolate ice cream.

"Lasagna, it's a new recipe I found online." Ryan smiled.

"I'll call the pizza guy for when you burn the food." Beca smiled before grabbing her phone.

"Come on I'm not that bad at cooking." Ryan said before the spoke detector went off.

"What did you burn this time?!" Emily and Jesse asked as they ran into the kitchen.

"You kids are unbelievable." Ryan sighed as he looked at the trio before chuckling and shaking his head.

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