Chapter 3

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The Bellas were hanging out near the pool with the other groups. It was sunny out and they all decided to relax for a while.

"I can't believe Dynamic will be hosting the tour. If we impress them we get to perform with them at the end of the tour." Calamity smiled.

"What are you talking about?" Aubrey raised an eyebrow.

"Whoever impresses them enough gets to perform with them on stage. The fact that you don't know about it makes me sure you don't belong here." Calamity rolled her eyes.

"We do too belong here. We're aca-awesome singers." Chloe said defending her group.

"Hey, so my mom was in an a capella group when she was younger. The problem is I know squat about a capella, so I was wondering if you guys could give me a crash course." Emily smiled at the girls who were looking at her awestruck.

"Did I say something wrong?" Emily asked as she tilted her head in confusion.

"No, we just didn't expect you to be here basically asking us for singing lessons. We'd love to help you though." Stacie smiled after regaining her composure.

"Sweet, so tell me whenever you're free." Emily smiled before walking into the hotel.

"Damn that girl's hot." Calamity bit her lip.

"She's also a major celebrity so she's out of your league." Stacie smirked as Calamity frowned.

"Okay everyone, your show is in four days and we have a tour of the place in half an hour. You can start rehearsals after that. The bus will be here soon, so you should go change." Katherine told the groups.

"Yes ma'am." a guy from Settle Up said as he got out the pool. Everyone soon followed behind him.

Stacie went to get changed in her room. She took a long time to get ready so she was rushing out her room. She was in such a rush that she bumped into someone.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, are you okay?" Stacie asked.

"I'm fine." Emily smiled. Stacie extended her hand to help the girl stand. The second Emily took her hand Stacie felt like her face was on fire and she had butterflies in her stomach.

"The bus left ten minutes ago. Aren't you supposed to be with the other groups on the tour?" Emily tilted her head.

"Ummm yeah, I guess I took too long to get ready and I got left behind." Stacie scratched the back of her neck.

"You can hang out with me if you want. I literally have nothing else to do." Emily shrugged.

"Maybe I can give you that a capella crash course." Stacie smiled as she followed Emily to the garden outside the hotel.

"So I know you're not supposed to use instruments. That's pretty much all I know."

"It's kind of more complicated than that. You have to pick a song and have people make the music. Then you have to be able to remember what sounds you're supposed to make. Then put it all together." Stacie smiled.

"Damn, that seems harder than I thought it was." Emily said wide eyed.

"Come on, you're a musical star, it can't be that hard for you to just sing." Stacie smiled.

"Yeah, but a capella seems like it needs someone who pays a lot of attention and that's not my strong suit." Emily said.

"What do you mean?"

"I tend to lose focus very easily. I have a great memory trust me on that I just have a problem focusing. My terrible attention span drove my teachers insane." Emily chuckled.

"I wish I could've seen their faces." Stacie smiled.

"I got in trouble so much in school that my dad wanted to homeschool me. He ended up getting me a tutor and that went terrible, cause there were more distractions at home than at school. Two weeks later he had me listen to music while I was learning and it worked. Focusing was easier."

"If I had a problem focusing my dad would just shove more school work down my throat." Stacie shook her head.

"He doesn't sound like fun."

"He's not, but he's still my dad and he tries." Stacie sighed.

"At least his daughter turned out awesome!"

"Thanks, that means a lot. So why didn't you go on the tour with everyone else?"

"I got a little cut, so Beca and my dad insisted I get some rest. I know they mean well but they can be super overbearing sometimes." Emily rolled her eyes and brought her hand up to show Stacie the small cut.

Stacie's hand also went up, and that's when she realized that she had been hold Emily's hand the entire time. She also noticed that they weren't at the hotel anymore. They were walking along the sidewalk.

"Do we have a destination or are we just walking?" Stacie chuckled and that's when Emily also realized that they were just walking with no direction.

"We could go to a bakery, I'm really craving baked goods right now." Emily smiled before pulling Stacie to a nearby bakery.

They got to the front of the of the line and Emily ordered.

"Hi, can I get two Cornish Pasties and two Millionaires Shortbreads please." Emily said to the cashier.

"One second please." the girl said as she got Emily her desserts.

"Here you go mi-. You're Emily Mitchell. What are you doing here?" the girl asked excitedly.

"Satisfying my cravings. How much?" Emily pointed at the bag with pastries.

"It's on the house." the girl smiled and handed the bag to Emily.

"Thanks." Emily smiled.

"Hey, can I have an autograph?"

"Sure." Emily smiled and the girl gave her a pen and her notebook. Emily signed the book then gave it back. She then payed for the pastries even though the girl protested.

"You get that a lot?" Stacie asked the young brunette.

"Yeah, it's cool though." Emily smiled before biting into her shortbread. Some chocolate stayed on her bottom lip and Stacie moved it with her thumb.

Her hand stayed on Emily's cheek as she looked at the girl's eyes. "You have beautiful eyes." Stacie said barely above a whisper.

"Thanks." Emily breathed out.

Stacie started to slowly lean in and so did Emily. Their eyes started to flutter shut and they were only a whisper away from each other.

Stacie's phone then rang making the girls pull apart. Stacie cut the call. They looked at each other and blushed.

"We should get back to the hotel before the others get back. I don't need Beca looking over my shoulder more than she already is." Emily said and Stacie nodded.

They made small talk as they walked back to the hotel. "See you later Stacie." Emily smiled before turning on her heel.

Stacie grabbed her wrist and spun her around before kissing the corner of her lips. "See you later." Stacie smirked before walking away.

The second she walked into her room she closed the door and let out a breath she didn't know she had been holding.

"Yes!" Stacie yelled in joy. She threw herself on her bed and sighed in content.

"I'm loving this tour already."

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