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I'm sorry for the delay with this chapter. Got a little side tracked. Anyway, this is a very big chapter of this entire story. It's a very deep and emotional chapter and not gonna lie, I actually teared up a little towards the end of writing this which has never happened. A lot that is mentioned or talked about in this chapter is based on things that I have experienced or friends that have had experiences. So it's really personal. I hope you like it!

Lexie stared at Ally as Ally just stared at the floor. "I... I'm so sorry Lex. I didn't know how to tell you and this wasn't at all how I wanted you to find out" Ally said softly. Ally breathed as her eyes welled up.

"Look, Als" Lexie began, making Ally look at her. "Remember when we first met? And what we promised each other, do you remember?" Lexie asked. Ally nodded slightly. "Yeah, I-I remember Lex" Ally replied softly...

4 Years Earlier...

"Mom I'm home!" Ally called in a happy tone as she closed the front door behind her. "Oh, h-how was school?" Her mum called back from the kitchen. "It was great, my teachers loved my work!" Ally smiled as she walked into the kitchen.

Ally's eyes fell on her mum who were sitting at the kitchen table and wiping away her tears. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Ally asked in a concerned tone and she kneeled down. She looked at Ally. Her eyes were red and full of tears. "I uhm... I got my results back... It... It came back positive" She revealed. Ally's face dropped. "O-okay but e-everything is going to be okay right? The statistics of survivors are large mom. You'll beat this, we will beat this" Ally stuttered in a hopeful tone.

"Ally... My results say that it's... I-it's too late" Ally's mum stated, tears forming as Ally's eyes welled up too. "M-mom" Ally sobbed as her mum wrapped her arms round Ally and hugged her tightly.

The pair cried into each other's arms. No words were spoken. Tears rolled down their cheeks as they held each other tightly.

After a few moments, Ally's mum moved back to look at Ally. "It's going to be okay. We will get through this" Ally's mum said softly, placing her hand on her cheek. "We'll fight this together. We'll be strong, always. I love you so much and I am so proud of you" She told Ally. "I love you too mom" Ally replied weakly. She then hugged her mum tightly.

A few hours went by. Ally ate in silence as her mum tried to take Ally's mind off of the news. Ally had hardly touched her dinner. When they finished their dinner, Ally's mum went into the living room.

Shortly after, Ally quietly peered into the living room, her eyes fell on her mum who had fallen asleep.

She glanced at the kitchen table where the letter rested. Her eyes began to tear up. She breathed out shakily before moving towards the front door, putting on her shoes and carefully opened the door.

Once it were open, she paused and listened. Ally stepped outside and closed the door behind her. The air was cool and the sky was almost pitch black.

With the front door closed behind her, Ally walked. She walked down the path and along the quiet road of her neighborhood. No one was around. It were quiet. As Ally continued to walk, she arrived at the town nearby within ten minutes.

The town was a lot more lively with people walking around. Laughter, cars and music could be heard everywhere. Some shops were open, others wasn't. Large groups of people stood outside bars and clubs, laughing and talking. They were drunk.

Ally kept on walking. Not stopping or looking around. She just walked. A short while later, the noise and surroundings began to change. There were no longer groups of people together having fun. Only the odd one or two roaming around.

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