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"Tine finally You're here! Where have you been these years? I missed you so much. You know what? I've been looking for you everywhere but I can't find you. I didn't lose my hope because I know that one day you will definitely come for me." I say while holding his two hands this time I'm not hallucinating he's real.

"How are you doing?" I ask. "Doing good." he replies. "I'm glad to hear that" I say.

"Stop pretending." He shouts. "Pretend about what?" I question him.

"Like you care about me. It's not who you are. Just be yourself no need to pretend." He says angrily.

"What are you taking about? I really care about you. I know you didn't forget about past. I'm sorry for everything. You can do what you want to me. I give you my permission. Do you please forgive me?" I say.

"Isn't that way too easy? How can you still expect forgiveness from me after what you done? He ask me.

I know what I did was stupid, but I didn't done that because I hated you. I don't want you to be in center of attraction. I don't want you to get in trouble because of me." I explain him.

"Nice talk... Just admit it you made that for yourself. You don't want to be troubled. You're selfish, and you love her. He tells and suddenly the door opens boss and man enters. "Tine! Where you have been went these days?" Boss asks.

"You both please get out of here." I say man understands me why I'm saying that. "Call us if you need anything. We'll in outside" man says and drags boss with him.

"I don't love her. The person I love and spend rest of my life with is you not her." I tell him.

"I'm not stupid to believe you after what you done. Have you forgotten what your reason for the break up. You said you are a singer. You can't be in relationship. You can't have boyfriend. All you want the whole world to listen your singing. I believed you, so, I gave up but that's not a real reason. You did everything for Pear." He shouted.

"Tine! Listen to me. I think you're in misunderstanding I have nothing do with her. I really love you. You're the only one I'll ever have." I say.

"I frigging hate you" he yells angrily. "I know that I'm not good enough but can you give me a chance? Please forgive me." I ask.

"Even if you kneel and beg right here. I won't forgive you for what you did." He say angrily.

I forget to say this. Don't ever call me as your boyfriend again. Thank you so much for teaching me a good lesson, and it's my turn to teach you..." He says and walks out.

"Tine.... Tine can you stop... Please forgive me... I follow him, but boss and man stops me.

"Let him go... Give him some time... We can talk to him later." Man stops me.

To be continued...

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