Chapter 7: Special Guy Back Home

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We have cow's tongue again for dinner. This is too coincidential; Brutus has to be behind the whole thing. Ugh, is he trying to rub it in? But how could he possibly know about the connection between Cato and I and cow's tongue?

My dress turns out to be flame-colored and fluffy. Marcella says I look incredible in it, but I don't really care about being pretty. I'd rather she have put me in something terrifying. That would knock Glimmer out of the spotlight. She'll probably end up in a floaty pink ballerina gown or something. No matter how you put it, Glimmer will never work with Cato. Why can't he see he belongs with me?

I freeze on impulse. I am not worried about Cato. I am not worried about Cato. I'm going into this thing with absolutely no feelings whatsoever toward any of the other players. They're... my enemies. But even this doesn't stop my heart from jerking a little, because I know Cato will never be my enemy, no matter what he does.

My flashy Capitol prep team does my hair and makeup. Relengia styles my hair into a top bun and sweeps the rest into a loosely done tie at the nape of my neck. It's definitely different, but it completely fits me. I smooth out my orange frilly and silky skirt, grateful Marcella didn't make it too poufy. 

"You're ready to shine, Clove," she whispers as she fastens barettes into my bun. It's the first normal and slightly uplifting thing a Capitol person has said to me the whole time I've been here. "Shine like flames," she says, lifting the skirt of my dress and letting it fall.

"Thanks, Marcella," I grin. "I will." I hope the fire from my dress will be reflected back in my mascara-framed eyes. I can't afford to waste this opportunity to show everyone how dangerous I am. 

I don't see Cato until we're in the crowded backstage area of the theater. When I see him, I wish I hadn't, because he looks so handsome in his silver suit and black pants and with his blond hair slicked up. My heart flips over nearly five times and I know I'll never be able to live up there with this feeling. So I decide to just do it. 

"Hi, Cato," I say in as calm a voice as possible. He looks startled. 

"Clove! Oh--hey." He looks nervous, which is a first for him. 

"Good luck up there," I say. 

"Yeah--you too," he replies awkwardly.

The other tributes are already lining up in order of district. I take my place next to Cato behind Glimmer. She IS wearing a floaty pink ballerina gown, I realize with disgust. The skirt is gathered above her waist, and it's fluffy and weird and sticks out funny like a ballet tutu. Her shiny blond hair falls down her back in waves. Those waves are inches from me. It would be so easy to reach out and pull one--

The memory of Cato, not Glimmer, is what stalls my hand. He's standing right next to me. And he hasn't pronounced us enemies yet, but if he sees me pulling Glimmer's hair, he's likely to. And there's Marvel on Glimmer's other side. I don't know if he's got any feelings for that dumb blonde, but I wouldn't put it past him.

Then Glimmer goes onto the stage and basically spends her whole three minutes twirling and giggling and showing off her dress. Useless if you're a tribute who's trying to get sponsors. It only makes you seem more stupid. There's no way anyone's going to pay for your stuff when there's no way you'll have a chance.

But then again, she is a Career. So she'll probably make it a little way into the Games. Maybe longer, if Cato decides to protect her.

Protect Glimmer and leave me behind. What's Cato become?

Marvel goes up next, and he shoots instantly for a humorous angle. One thing I will say about Marvel: he's awkward and ordinary-looking, but he'll give you a good laugh. It's hard not to like him, at least a little bit.

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