Chapter 21: A Glimmerific Party

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A/N: Before you read this, I am NOT A GLATO SHIPPER It's just another piece in Cato's complicated life in NYC. Just bear with me!


"Hi, Cato." Glimmer stands on the doorstep, dabbing on magenta lipstick. Her nails are lacquered with an equally magenta color and her blonde hair falls around her shoulders in waves. She's wearing a purple sequined dress with a hem above knee-length. She blinks and I see dark turquoise eyeshadow on her eyelids.

"Hey, Glimmer." I feel suddenly very self-conscious in my pajamas and sweats. "What's up?"

Her eyes drift to my outfit and she lets out a little shriek. "Cato!"

"What? It's called casual." I lean against the doorway. "So where are you headed in that getup?" I reach out to touch the fabric of her fancy dress.

She smacks my hand away playfully. "Stop it!" she giggles flirtaciously. I raise an eyebrow. Girls amuse me.

"So, you coming to the party?"

"What party?"

She does this swooning type of gasp and swipes the back of her hand over her face. "Oh. You don't know..." she twitters.

"Don't know... what?"

"The party!" she squeals. "You have to come as my date or else I'll have to go with Marvel! He'll be here any second! SAVE ME!" She pretends to faint, hopefully trying to force me to catch her. Instead, I just stand in the doorway while she crashes to the floor.

"Um." She picks herself up awkwardly, almost tripping over her stiletto heels. "So, will you come?"

I raise my eyebrows. "In sweats?"

"Of course not. You can wear Marvel's suit. I already told him that if he couldn't get a date, he couldn't come. Our hosts, the Smiths, are coordinating for the banquet. They bought us clothes," she babbles.

Wish my host was that friendly. 

Glimmer opens her tote bag and passes me a tight-fitting black tailored suit.

I notice she's holding a small rectangular device. "What's that?" I ask, cocking my head at it.

She looks shocked that I wouldn't know. "An iPhone, of course! The Smiths bought Marvel and I one each! They're fantastic!"

How did Clove and I land ourselves with Marguerite?? 

I hear a song playing from Glimmer's iPhone. It's the same one that was on the television. "What's that song?" I ask her.

She stares at me like I'm crazy. "You don't know?" she stammers again like it's the craziest thing she's ever heard, although there's no way she could have known for more than a day.

I decide to overlook this. "So what's it called?"

"Steal My Girl by One Direction," she gushes. "They are sooo hot!" She stops and catches herself. "Not as hot as you are of course..." She then continues her attempts at flattering me. 

I raise an eyebrow. This girl has some serious social issues.

"What are you waiting for?" she shrieks. "Go change!"

"Right," I gasp, and head back into the apartment. No backing down now. When I come out of the apartment wearing Marvel's suit, Glimmer tries to make herself faint again.

Glimmer rejects all boundaries of physical contact and slides her arm under mine as she rests her head on my shoulder. I hope she can't detect how stiff I feel. 

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