Innocent Lies

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Hiyo Descendants!

No, for once we're not about to go to bed... We're actually up this early! And writing! Amazing, I know. Today the Night Owls are Early Birds, and writing is our worm. (Yuck and or Eww on that analogy, but no less true.) We're babysitting my nephew Richard for the next two days, so hopefully we get some good writing in between potty training, school, playing and-

You know what, naptime is the best time. ;D

Anyway, we're back with another week of chapter updates. Last week we saw Gil rage and Deez do her best to keep him from hurting himself. Now what's going to happen when they make it back to the ship?

We hope you enjoy Innocent Lies... Wow, that title seriously just worked for this game I like to play.

Don't forget to stick around at the end of the chapter for Twisted's insights and questions, and we look forward to hearing from you!

Lots of Love


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Uma massages her temples with one finger as she stares at the cabin door. Today had been a day, a day she didn't fucking want to think about once it was over.

T and Faustina's situation was less than ideal. She didn't want to punish one because of the other's actions. And since Faustina swore she was the one who pushed T, and not the other way around, she felt she had no choice but to leave the girl be for now.

Her eyes harden. But when T came back, they were going to have a nice, long talk. She couldn't blame him for hearing that Deez could be in danger and acting on it. She'd have done the same thing.

No, what pissed her off the most was the fact that he never considered this might be something they should all help with. After all, Deez was all of theirs.

Then there was Deez blanking on them because she'd yelled. She hangs her head with a sigh.

She wasn't sure what to do about that. With T under her sails it was going to be hard for her to work on it. She always knew that he was going to be a headache, but she wasn't expecting it to happen so quickly.

She'd never yelled around Deez before. Never felt the need to. Anytime she had Deez she'd been happy.

They were going to have to work on that.

Her anger, Deez's blanking, and T's thoughtlessness.

It sounded like sailing through a storm with full sails and a skeleton crew.

She was still worried about Gil. Her Sweet Boy had earned his moniker for a reason. It was so rare that he ordered the crew to do anything. So when James came in and told her that he'd barked at him to relay the message... It just wasn't good.

Faustina had immediately apologized after the two had left, indicating she knew she was supposed to stay a secret from Gil. The thought made her stomach twist. She hadn't thought about it, but had it hurt Faustina's feelings that they were keeping her a secret?

Just like her fucked up OV had?

Damn it. She taps her fingers on the table.

"I could be ah goin' ta get them." Harry offers as he rests a hand over her fidgeting fingers, "It ain'nah bein' like we don'nah know where they be."

Uma turns to look at him before she looks to the window. Should she send him to go get them? She shakes her head. "If Gil left, it was for a good reason. I'm not sure what happened, but maybe he just thought I was going to yell more and make Deez blank again." She hopes.

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