What a Rip...

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Hiya Descendants!

First Wednesday post, and I remembered even though I forgot to change my alarms over... Yay me!

We love how many of you were happy to hear about the posts being moved to Wednesday specifically because you guys wanted to know what's in the box... What's in the boxxxxx? (All the points if you know that reference.)

Anyway, time to put you guys out of misery.

What a Rip... Right :)

Lots of Love


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

"So, I say entertain me and you- what- decide to drop off the isle for half a damn week?" Hades glares as he leans against the frame of the temple doors.

"Oh calm the-" T stops. "A what!?" His head jerks to Harry.

"And why Guyliner pirate?" Hades rubs his forehead with one hand, continuing as if T hadn't spoken, "I thought, and I am a God, ya know, so thought correctly, that the deal was you bring my kitten home every once in a while. Ya know. We chat, we catch up, she gets these damn cuffs off me, we all end up happily outside the fucking barrier."

Harry sighs. This was going to be a long conversation, and he wasn't sure he liked the dynamic these two seemed to have.

"We're still workin' on it." T shrugs, "What's the point of wasting all three of our times? She isn't going to get stronger overnight."

"It's been over three months since she last tried." Hades growls

"Oh calm the fuck down," T waves him off dismissively. "She's still not up to snuff, and look," He holds up a package and waves it. "Entertainment from Auradon... Or at least something else to piss off Mistress Cunt with."

"Oh, you can be ah wavin' it around, but I touch it an' be ah gettin' yelled at not ta be ah breakin' it." Harry rolls his eyes, tightening his folded arms to his chest.

"Shut it Hook." T presses the box into Senior's chest. "We going to find out what it is or not." He asks as he continues into the temple. "Can we see what Auradon wanted to give her, now? It's been killin' me not ripping open that package."

"Oooh, bossy." Hades rolls his eyes before they drop to the package in his hands, and then further to him, "Well guyliner, ya coming in or not, I ain't got all day."

"Move it Hook."

Harry snorts at T's tone before he walks past Hades, ignoring every instinct he had to draw his weapon and keep it between them.

Like it would have helped him anyway.

"What he meant was move faster." Hades chuckles as he slams the doors before pushing him aside to catch up with T.


Harry frowns as he straightens back out. Sure, it had been rude, but it hadn't hurt. Hades was a full God, that should have nearly dislocated his shoulder.

"Come on." T whines, "What is it?"

"At this point it's you entertaining me is what it is." Hades laughs as he sits on a couch in front of a large table that he slowly sets the box on.

"Dick." T huffs before he jumps on the couch and perches next to the god. "You're doing this on purpose." He smacks Senior's shoulder. "Open it."

Harry frowns at the two before he looks around the room. Whenever he visited the temple it was always to get Deez out of the catacombs beneath them. He had no idea the inside was so, fucking comfortable. There was art, statues, rugs, comfortable-looking chairs, and couches.

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