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Hiyo Fellow Descendants!

History was so one of my favorite subjects when I was in school. You ready to see what the Sea Family does when they learn a history other than the one the villains want them to know? We were. I mean Obvi right? Or else we wouldn't have written it. We hope you enjoy the chapter as much as we had fun writing it.

We'll be back Wednesday with another chapter, Even Writers Need to Talk.

Don't forget to like, follow, kudos, and leave us a message. We love hearing from you guys!

Lots of Love,


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

Watching Deez and Gil work to create a sword had been fascinating. He was impressed with how well the two worked together. Deez jumping in to reheat the metal without so much as a cue from Gil showed an amazing awareness and sense of trust between them. The fact that they'd managed to make it in less than five hours even more so.

The two had been so humble when he'd shared his opinions. It never ceased to amaze him that these children managed to stay kind and positive, despite their circumstances.

It was astounding that they could work so cohesively. The entire family. He wasn't sure what it was that Deez alerted to, but there had been several times her head had whipped up and she'd taken off towards the pool. He'd watched a few times, curious as to what she was doing. But she had only heated the pool up for the three swimming in it, or the last time when she'd been there to dry them off before they'd been out of the pool long enough to get a chill.

Even with whatever had transpired in the cabin earlier, it was clear this family loved and trusted each other deeply. And the fact they could was nothing short of a miracle.

The passion burning in each one of them shone all the brighter for their fight to keep it alive in a world that would have doused the spark of even the most caring of Auradonians.

But these children were so appreciative, so grateful for his help it often left him speechless. And at such simple things. He would've helped them even if they weren't though.

Formulating the correct dimensions and assisting with the mold for the cannonballs they were hoping to make had been an easy task for him. And the smile on their faces as he explained the best way to make a war hammer melted his heart like nothing else could have. Had they not already spent far more than his allotted 'few hours' on individual projects, he would have enjoyed helping them get started on that.

Next time.

He never would have thought he'd come to care about these children as much as he did his own daughter. But, how could he not? If anything he was ashamed of himself for not getting to know them sooner. For keeping what distance he had kept between himself and them, all because of an oath made in ignorance.

He truly regretted not seeking these types of relationships out sooner.

Not to mention how bright they were. All of them. Even with their lack of schooling, they were figuring out their school work much quicker than he'd anticipated. To say he was shocked by how well rounded and polite to him they were would be a severe understatement.

He'd never been as happy with his decision to come over and help with the kids of the Isle as he had been when Deez banged on his door, seeking out help for T. Faustina. And later when he saw Harry and Uma work so hard to keep their family member alive, trusting a virtual stranger on the word of another child that he would help. And then the trust Deez and Gil held in them while they were being kept away. It was nothing short of astounding.

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