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Hey Descendants,

Thank you all for the well wishes! Still not feeling 100%, but better than I was for the past few days. Brother is recovering too.

But back to the update-

Last chapter we saw Hades get all up the Sea Family's business as well as T waking up for more than a factual insult attack on Uma.

In this chapter, we're going to see the fallout. We hope you enjoy Confidence.


(See the end of the chapter for questions.)

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Deez shakes her head against Harry's side.

Even without touching her Uma could feel the heat radiating from her crying cousin. Not that she was complaining. While she had no issue swimming in cold water, the wind was bitterly cold.

Harry covers his face with one hand as he presses Deez tighter to him with the other, "It be fine princess, there ain'nah be need for ya ta be sorry." He shivers and drops his hand to hold her even closer.

"I didn't mean to knock us off the damn ship."

"It's okay Baby Girl, we know that." She assures Deez as she rubs the girl's small shoulder, "Harry wasn't thinking. He needed a dip to cool off his hot head."

Deez shivers, "I'm still sorry." She pulls away from Harry, her eyes widening as she looks him over, "Did I burn you?"

"No love, ya ain'nah be ah burnin' me," he gives Deez a small smile as he runs a hand over her back, "so much as bruisin' me pride."

"I'm sorry." Deez swallows hard as her eyes drop to Harry's waist, "I probably bruised you."

"It's okay, his pride can take some bruising. T's been out too long. His head's gettin' too big for his hat."

"I were'nah 'bout ta be letting ya go Baby Girl. I be feeling ah mite better knowin' yer instinct be ta hold tight if that ever be ah happenin' again." Harry admits before he purses his lips and glares at Uma, "Speakin' o' T though, I be ah needin' ta be checkin' on him before he be ah pulling ah disappearin' act."

"I told you not to leave him." She flings out her hands in exasperation.

"Aye, ya did be ah doin' that." Harry sighs, "But T be ah demandin' I go see what the hell be ah hurtin' our Treasure here." He smiles as he runs a hand through Deez's hair.

Uma wipes a hand down her face, "Of course. Makes perfect sense."

Harry winces as he stands, "Glad ya be ah thinkin' so cap'in." He winks at Deez before he stands.

Uma blinks in surprise when Deez surges to her feet to wrap her arms around Harry, pressing her face against his chest. Harry's face softens as he returns her desperate hug.

"Aye love, it were ah bein' scary, but we be ah gettin' out none the worse for wear." He picks her up and holds her close to his chest, "I wish I be ah havin' time ta be greetin' ya home proper like, but I be needin'-"

"I know." Deez nods against him, "I just, I uh, I'm sorry. And I love you."

Uma and Harry exchange a brief smile before she slowly eases Deez out of Harry's arms.

"I be lovin' ya too Baby Girl, don'nah ya be forgettin' that." Harry boops Deez on the nose before he vanishes into the cabin.

"Aye." Uma nods as she presses Deez close, wrapping her arms around the other girl tightly before she sits with her back to the rail.

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