Oh, the Webs We Weave

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Hiya Descendants!

We're back with another update.

Mondays, am I right?

So after that chapter with Maleficent, were you wondering what T was getting himself into?

Wonder no more.

Don't forget to let us know what you think at the end. We can't wait to hear from you.

Lots of Love,


Fuck him.

He frowns as he guides one of the scumbags up the makeshift stairs, after the two goblin's leading their own.

Yet another public execution.

He tries not to look at the ridiculously large crowd all murmuring anxiously waiting to see what the summons had been about.

His mouth was too dry to even swallow at this point.

He takes a deep breath.


He was-

This was so fucking dumb.

He clenches his jaw.

No. Just no.

He didn't shake.

Didn't tremble.

So why the fuck were his hands betraying him? His legs?

He could feel everyone's eyes on him. Everyones' piercing eyes. As if his layers and hood didn't exist. Like they were just watching him.


Curious as to what he was doing.

He could feel the lump building in his throat.

Was he going to be able to fight with this many eyes on him?

He bites back a hysterical laugh.


Was he even going to be able to hold his sword? His dagger?

He chews his lip. He fucking hated this, but like hell was he just going to slaughter these disgusting fucks in cold blood when fuck only knew how many other VK's were watching.

He didn't need the urchins scared of him... Assuming they knew who he was. Which he assumed they did, or at least some of them would.

Beam for sure would.

The 'not' leader of the urchins didn't have the luxury of ignoring obvious things.

He swallows hard, wishing he'd taken a swig of something, anything before he'd led the chained man into the public eye.

He kicks out the legs of the man in front of him, side eying Maleficent before he glances out to the crowd. He nearly pisses himself at the number of people crowding the street.

Blurry faces easily stretched six buildings back.

His vision blurs slightly as dizziness washes over him. His lungs burn in his tightening chest.

He'd never wanted to bolt so badly in his life.

Was any deal really worth this?

Killing people in private had been one thing. Killing in front of thirty people had been uncomfortable, but he hadn't had a choice if he wanted to prevent further attacks on innocent urchins.

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