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Year: 2017

Waking up in mornings had always been the worst part of the day for Suzy. No matter how uncomfortable her bed was, it was always better than actually going out and interacting with people. And that with a hangover, and then you officially have the worst morning ever.

She was gripping her head in agony, groaning at the unbearable pain when she woke up. She didn't remember ever opening her curtains, but the dazzling light behind her lids made her feel like someone was banging her head with a jackhammer.

When she finally opened her eyes after a herculean struggle, she took in her surroundings to realise that she was in Lea's room. The open curtains should have given that up, but she wasn't really the brightest in the mornings. Lea's room was the brightest among the three and she loved the sunshine, something about how it helps you feel fresh and rejuvenated. Oh, how Suzy missed her own room right now.

But the thought of a tall English man made her think that going to her room wasn't much of a good idea. She still hadn't decided what to make of last night's interaction between them and seeing him would only make her head more clouded. Although the lights were killing her and Suzy definitely needed to get out of here.

She kicked off the thin sheets before trudging her way towards the kitchen. A cool glass of water might just help her with the headache.

She had reached their living room when a mouth-watering smell enveloped her. Cece was sitting on the floor with a plate in her hands, happily munching on what looked like an omelette.

"Three years I've lived with you and now I realise you can cook?" Suzy stood before her, blocking the TV with both hands on her hips.

"It wasn't me, your boyfriend made these for all of us before he left." She answered with her mouth full of food.

"He's not m- left? He left?"

"Yeah, something about urgent work stuff. There is a plate for you in the kitchen."

The sound of Suzy's stomach rumbling distracted her and instead of scolding or arguing with her, she walked inside the kitchen. The steaming plate was a sight for the sore eye.

When she came back to the living room, Cece was practically inhaling the eggs.

"I don't even think we had eggs," She muttered before flopping down beside her.

"We didn't. Your boyfriend bought them."

"He's not my boyfriend!"

"You look at him like he put the stars in the sky, the only reason he started coming here is to give you your 'peppermint' and he is so into you." Cece looked proud of herself.

"I do not look at him like- where the hell is Lea? I slept in her room last night." Cece's eyes immediately averted to the TV, her cheeks turned beet red and she suddenly looked very interested on the tv. "Cece?"

"What? She bunked with me. I threw up a lot." She answered quickly, turning all her focus on the TV.

As if on cue, Lea walked into the room, her hair looked like a proper mess and she looked rather dishevelled. As soon as she looked at Cece her eyes widened and her cheeks turned red before she turned to Suzy, Suzanna frowned at the two of them. Something was off.

"There are eggs in the kitchen." She told Lea.

Leanne nodded at her before scurrying to the kitchen. Cece's ears had now turned a deep shade of red and she glanced in Lea's direction for a millisecond before her eyes snapped back on the tv, some boring ad playing on it.

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