Adopt them.

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Oh shit there is a kitten in the middle of the road. I turned steering wheel to the left and my car crashes into the trees. Baaaannngg!!

Aah! my head is killing me. I can't see anything clearly, the whole world is spinning. I put my hand on my forehead.... Blood... Blood... My hand is covered with blood..... I see black everyw-

Mike's pov:
She left, I am so angry at dad. It's not the first time he raised his hand on Noona but.. Now she is a grown up woman, she is 25 now.
Mom was arguing with Dad, I don't like it. All my childhood, I had only seen them arguing.

I phone ranged, an unknown number and I picked up the call,
"Is this Mike ?"


"Is xxxxx your car"

"Yeah who are you"

"Sir It's the police, your car was crashed and there was a lady inside"

"What? Where is she?"

"She is in the xxxxx hospital ."

"OK I am coming" I hanged up

"Mom! mom Mom!" I yelled.


   "It's Sarah, she is in the hospital. She got into an accident!" I replied as she gasped.

"What, how!?" she was shocked. "Hurry up" I yelled.

"What happened?" grandma asked seeing us in haste. "Mom Sarah is in the hospital." My mom replied breathlessly.

"What happened? "grandma asked worriedly. 

"Hurry up Mom" I interrupted.

"I am coming with you" Adam said
"Me too" Heejae announced. "Where is Dad?" Adam asked. "Do you think he would care?" I yelled "Hurry up."

At the hospital :

"Honey how are you? Do you feel pain in your head?" Mom asked.
"No..." Sarah replied in a whisper.
"Noona" I called "I'm sorry for that day."

"It's okay." She again replied in a whisper, again.

    "Unnie I was so worried about you" Heejae said, she was still crying. Sarah kept quite and Heejae sat beside her.

The door open came grandma, I rolled my eyes. Uncle Nick was with here too. He apologized to Sarah but she ignored him.

Sarah asked Adam to bring her 'home' .. Her home. She didn't wanted to stay at the hospital.


Sarah pov:

My head is pounding right now. Adam was insisting to stay in the mansion but I refused. Grandma entered my room, she sat on the chair next to the bed. "Sarah sweetheart, marriage-"
Cutting her off, I said "don't want to talk about it."

"Sarah listen"

"No" I don't know what is her problem, can't she see in which state I am!? She was again to say something but I cut her off again.

"What happened?" my mom entered the room and following her was 'Dad'.

"Mom did she say anything to you?" dad asked grandma.

"Yeah she... Just don't want to talk about it right now" she replied. "This ungrateful brat, just think about herself. She should be grateful they are letting their talented son marrying a bitch like her. I wish I never had a daughter like you... " Before he can continue, I spoke "get out of my apartment!"

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