A cookie for kookie.

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I was in a pretty good mood today beside the weather, it's so hot today. And when weather is hot, I am very furious and I lose my mind. Humming softly I made my way towards the drawing room.

I heard someone singing, turning my head to the left, I saw 7 years old Ashley in the toilet doing her business but the door was open. I quickly turned around when she yelled at me to go away. I left immediately and opened the door of drawing room which was almost parallel to the toilet.

I sighed as I sat on the sofa, admiring the new flowers in the flower pot. My grandma was too busy gossiping with her sister that she didn't paid attention to me. I walked towards the pot for a closer look but turned my head at the sound of door opening with to much force then it needed.

Stepped in a very angry, furious looking Niome and marched right to me. "Why were you bothering Ashley?" She asked, her eyes boring into mine, ready to kill me.

"I didn't -" before I could even finish, she twisted my pinky very badly. I instantly screamed in pain but she didn't let go. She was stronger and taller than me, of course she was 5 years older than me.

Grandma left her gossips and came running, trying to separate us but couldn't. She was yelling for help, telling Niome to leave my hand but she never listened. I was yelping in pain, trying to pull my pinky out of her grip.

God showed me some mercy and my mom came after hearing all the noises. She was about to help grandma separate us but my mom was pulled back by hair and by the one and only aunt Rachel. Seeing my mother in pain, I forgot about mine.

Niome ran towards my mom, grabbing her hairs, she cursed. I did the same and pulled Niome's hair. All four of us, me, Niome, Rachel and Mom were standing in a circle. My hands in Niome's hair, Rachel's one hand gripped my hair and with the other she gripped on mom's and Niome did the same as her mother, one hand pulled my hair and one hand pulled my mother's. My hands stuck in Niome's messy hair, trying pull her away from my mom.

Grandma yelling was like background music.

Rachel pulled my hair with so much force, my neck bend over and I couldn't breathe. I cried for grandma to help, I yelled that "I can't breathe grandma!" And somehow she managed to separate me. Auntie Kath came in and pulled away Rachel but Niome still didn't let go of my mother.

I was so furious, fire blazing in my eyes, I moved forward as she let go of my mother. I don't know how I was able to drag her on the floor with the support of her hair, she cried in pain, unable to stand up. I felt powerful. I glared at her as she rolled on the floor like an dying elephant.

I smacked my hands on the kitchens counter. "Why was I so weak?"

I could have beaten aunt Rachel as Niome did to my mother. But no! I was a fool! Because of them, just because of them, my mother was humiliated. Her beautiful long hair were gone. They never grew up again. Her hair was her pride, her dark hair as black as night.

Niome's father, uncle Richard, said we should leave this. He never listened a word against his family. He believed Ashley way to much, as according to her, I called her names and teased her. Which was the complete opposite of what happened.

I don't know what came in uncle Max's mind, he stood up for us which was something my father should be doing. But no, he never did. He never cared. Uncle Max said that aunt Rachel could leave if she wants to but my mom and I won't.

It made you think uncle Max cared for us, our hero? No, he changed with time, he changed into Uncle Richard himself. Always there for their family for their kids. Unlike us. We had to fight ourselves. I grow up in this battles, thinking I had no father and I had fight for myself and my family.

My Rebellious Soul. [Kim Teahyung FF]Where stories live. Discover now