Kim Teahyung.

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  "You need to look perfect today!"Amber chimmed. Her excitement is making me cringe at a different level, why? Just why she had to be the one to get me ready? Because Niome or Zoe would never. Beside Amber was always roaming here at the mansion because her husband was always busy with business. Sometimes I wonder if he was cheating but I didn't want to put any wrong idea in Amber's mind, Matt on the other hand was always very cute and caring, he loves Amber too. I've seen the way he looks at her.

I sat in front of the mirror as Amber did my hair. Joshua would gave me random hugs every now and then. He had really gotten close to me and it's not a very good thing. I looked at Selina she was watching a kdrama on her tablet.

Today I didn't resist anything, I did whatever Amber told me to do. Of course I don't want to look a fool in front of Kim Teahyung. That wouldn't be good. Well to think of it why did he agreed to marry me? He is a big star, had been all around the world, would have seen many chicks but he was he really that old fashioned to agree on a arrange marriage.I squinted my eyes glaring at my own reflection. "Yah stop squinting your eyes!"amber snapped.

        "Ahh you look so pretty!" mom said entering the room, she kissed me on my forehead

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    "Ahh you look so pretty!" mom said entering the room, she kissed me on my forehead. Aunt Eva, careful, I just did her hair Amber said, lightly fixing my hair again. Sorry dear, you did a great job My mother looked at Amber's proud face then turned her gaze to me "If you are ready. Let's go? Mr and Mrs Kim are going to be here any minute." I nodded and left Joshua and Selina in Amber's hands.

       I waited on the doorsteps along with my parents. I got a sudden goose bumps seeing there car entering through the big gates. Have I ever mentioned , how shy I am when meeting new people. It was getting hard to breathe. I had told myself many time now that just meeting a normal human being called Kim Taehyung, just Kim Taehyung. No need to be nervous as if I was meeting God himself, to know whether I'm going to hell or heaven, I felt that would really make me nervous.

   "Sarah my dear!" Mrs Kim cried hugging me tightly. "Good afternoon Mrs Kim.." I replied, my voice sounded so quite. I looked for any signs of Eon jin but no, I had a feeling that if she was to be present at the moment, I would have less awkward.

    Mrs kim stepped aside to finally let my eyes fell on that handsome face of his dear son. He smiled at me and bowed, he smiled at me? My world is freaking out, "annyeonghaseyo" he said I hurriedly did the same "annyeonghaseyo" I replied. We both bowed to each other several times, the hell?

   "Ah come inside" my father said as we all walked in the house. Sitting at the dinning table between Taehyung and his mom. They were all busy in talking as Taehyung and I sat in silence. I swear I caught him glancing at me every now and then, well better than me, I was straight up boring me eyes into him and worse- he noticed. And he looked back at me and I flinched as if someone dropped a bomb on my head. Embarrassing, to say the least.

'Honestly that should have been the part where the earth should have cracked open and I bury myself in it!'

     After everyone had lunch, my mother and Mrs Kim again started talking about the marriage. My phone ringed and it was Chanri. She normally didn't call me, maybe it was an emergency. "Excuse me, I have to take this call," they all nodded understanding and I walked out the drawing room.

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