Chapter 1

872 21 52

'Cause baby, now we got bad blood

You know it used to be mad love

So take a look what you've done

'Cause baby, now we've got bad blood


"Mommy! Mommy!" The shrill cry of a young child rang out through the corridor of the big ship. "Mooooommmmmyyyy! Where are you?" The young child, no more than five years old, called out. She was a young togrutan girl, with white and blue lekku. She had a tan, human like skin tone, but still sported the traditional white togruta markings, just like her mothers. Her eyes shone a bright emerald green color.

She passed by a man and tugged at his pant leg. "Do you know where my mommy is?"

The man looked down at her and smiled. "Yes I do kiddo. She's right this way," the man said as he led the small child down the hallway. Soon they reached a large door and it slid open.

The child's eyes lit up as she saw her mom. She ran to her and hugged her from behind. "Mommy!" The child shouted cheerfully.

The woman turned around and hugged her daughter. She looked to be in her early thirties and had identical lekku color and nearly identical facial markings to her daughter. The only difference between the two was that she had orange skin.

"Hello tungu," the mother spoke softly. Her demeanor changed quickly, however. "I thought I told you to stay in our room until our meeting was done? Mommy's got important things to discuss."

"I know but it was soooo boring," the child said.

The mother sighed. "Okay, you can stay here as long as you're quiet. That's okay with everyone right?"

"Of course Ahsoka, we all love Carys," a young twi'lek replied.

"Thank you Hera." She turned back to her daughter. "Alright you can stay here with mommy, but you need to be quiet okay?"

The young girl made a motion to zip her lips and throw the key away. Ahsoka laughed, and turned back to the meeting. "Sorry Commander Sato, you may continue."

"It's no trouble at all Ahsoka," he replied. "Now, as I was saying, we need you guys to go to Ithor. We have a contact there that has supplied us valuable information on the Empire's Outer Rim plans, and he's recently been found out by the Empire. We need you to go in and extract him."

"You can count on us!" Ezra said enthusiastically.

"Should be easy," Zeb said calmly.

"When do you need us to leave?" Hera asked.

"As soon as possible," Sato answered. "The longer we wait, the greater chance there is that our contact is captured."

Hera just nodded in response, and turned to leave. The rest of the Ghost crew followed her.

Ahsoka had been frozen in place, not really paying much attention since Sato had mentioned Ithor. That planet harbored bad memories of her past. She hadn't been there since... she couldn't even think it, it was too barable to think that she hadn't seen...

"You coming Ahsoka?" Ezra asked, jarring her from her thoughts. She shook her head and looked up to the boy and smiled.

"Right behind ya," she said with a wink. She grabbed Carys's hand and the two walked towards the airlock where the Ghost was attached to the Command Ship.

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