Chapter 12

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It had been a few hours since the Ghost Crew had returned, and Lux was still hiding out in some crates. He knew eventually he would have to face her, but he wanted to put it off as long as possible. He'd probably return to the house late that night and sleep in late so she'd be gone by the time he awoke. It was practically fool proof. He just had to hide for a couple more hours.

Suddenly he felt a tug on his shirt, which caused him to jump. He turned around so see Carys laughing. He rolled his eyes. "Ha ha very funny Carys," he said. "How'd you find me?"

"With the force." Lux facepalmed. Of course it was the force, but that meant if Carys found him... "Why are you hiding here?" The young girl asked innocently, breaking Lux from his fear-fueled thoughts.

"I uh... uhm I'm..." Lux was struggling to come up with an excuse until he saw AP-5 and Chopper move by. "I'm helping Chopper and AP-5 take inventory!"

"Mhmmm," Carys replied totally not buying it. "Well whatever the reason, you need to come out. Hera said that Mr. Bail would be calling soon for you. She said to head to the briefing room and wait for his call."

"Oh okay Carys, thank you for letting me know," Lux replied with a smile. He left his hiding place hesitantly, looking for any signs of Ahsoka. When he didn't see her nearby, he made a beeline towards the briefing room.

Carys just watched him go, a smirk plastered on her face. Part 1 of her plan was now underway, and it was time to put part 2 into action. She started walking back towards the house to find her mother.

Once inside, Carys quickly found Ahsoka in their room meditating. She was sitting on the floor, facing away from Carys. Before she could say anything, Ahsoka spoke first. "What is it taziunt?"

"Mommy I have something I need to show you!" Carys said excitedly.

"What is it that you need to show me?"

"Well it's a surprise, so I cant' tell you. I have to show you!"

Ahsoka sighed and rose from her meditative position. "Alright lead the way."

Carys squealed with joy as she grabbed her mother's hand and ran out of the house. They got halfway to the briefing room before Carys abruptly stopped, causing Ahsoka to bump into her.

"What's wrong Carys?" Ahsoka asked concerned.

The little girl turned around and looked at her mother. "You need to close your eyes," she ordered.

"Carys do I-"

The little girl put her hands on her hips. "Yes you have to."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes. She was finally starting to understand what she was like when she was younger. Reluctantly Ahsoka closed her eyes and Carys smiled before taking off running again.

"Carys! Slow down I can't see anything!" Ahsoka shouted. Carys's only response was to laugh and run faster.

Soon enough they reached the briefing room and Carys slowly opened the door. She peeked in and saw that Lux was... asleep. She mentally facepalmed. However, she quickly continued her plan as she moved in behind her mother and shoved her into the briefing room.

Ahsoka stumbled forward, barely able to catch herself before falling. She whipped around to look at Carys, but when she did the door was already closed. Ahsoka tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.

"CARYS ANNIE TANO!" Ahsoka shouted banging on the door. "What is the meaning of this!"

"You're not getting out of there until you make up!" Carys shouted back, but it was muffled by the door.

Make up? Ahsoka thought. What is she talking about?

Suddenly she heard a groan from behind her. She slowly turned around to find the source of the noise. What she saw when she turned around made her insides boil.

"YOU!" Ahsoka shouted.

Lux groaned. "Five more minutes..." he muttered, shifting his sleeping position. Suddenly he was lifted into the air via the force. This quickly woke him up. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING! WHY AM I FLOATING!"

Even in her anger Ahsoka face palmed at his stupidity. How she ever fell in love with, let alone have a child with, this idiot was beyond her.

He looked down to see Ahsoka. "Oh..." he said realizing why he was floating. "OH!" He said realizing what was about to happen.

"YOU PUT HER UP TO THIS!" Ahsoka shouted.

"Put who up to what?" Lux asked totally confused.

"Carys! She locked us in this room until we, quote 'make up'!"

"You think I did this?"

"Well it's pretty obvious you did," Ahsoka scoffed.

"That's ludicrous! Carys told me that Bail was gonna be contacting me so I needed to come here and wait. I had nothing to do with this!"

"Ugh whatever. I'll deal with you later. Just help me find a way out of here." Ahsoka started walking around the room moving things looking for an exit other than the door. She looked up, seeing the ventilation system and sighed. Fifteen years ago she would've just crawled through there, but she was too old now and could no longer fit with her large lekku.

While Ahsoka was doing this, Lux was just sitting, thinking and preparing. Thinking about what he was going to say to Ahsoka, and preparing for his possible death or whatever else Ahsoka had in store for him.

Ahsoka groaned and sat down. "There's no way out of here."

"Well I mean there is one way..." Lux said hesitantly.

"Where? What is it? I don't wanna be in the same room with you any longer than I have to."

Lux winced. She was definitely not gonna like what he had to say next. "We could just... make up like Carys said."

Sorry for the super short chapter, but I felt this was the best place to stop. If I went any further I wouldn't be able to leave y'all hangin from this cliff ;)

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