Chp 7. Issues

63 23 5

Dedicated to mafiosaprincessa
Here's an update••••

I was resuming work today. I almost lost hope after two weeks of staying at home, doing unspeakable things and watching the rain pour down. I had somewhere to go at last! Stephan, helped to get my job back. That night he accepted that he was indeed the person that stripped me off my job. That moment I wanted to knock his front tooth out but the intimate position I found myself said otherwise-Of course not,We didn't sleep with each other. He said he talked to some people relating to them that it was all a mistake and so on. It seems like he has authority over them and within a blink of an eye, my job came crawling back to me.

I hear the honk of a car behind me, I was standing at the entrance of the car park and obviously blushing hard about that day. I may be liking him but my walls will always be up high.

I take the elevator to my office, checking if my work papers are complete. I danced comically to the elevator song. My mood was all over the place. I don't know if its from the excitement of getting my job or the feeling that I will be in the same building with Stephan.

I stroll to my desk replying with hello or a smile to those that greeted me. I sit on my comfy leather chair. I want to make up for my absence and I'm happy that my space wasn't given to someone else.


Where the hell is Stephan? I haven't seen since the party night. I'm beginning to grow impatient. It's almost time to clock out from work. I bit my lower lip and tap on my table lightly. Scanning the office, everyone was eager to leave also...and there he is.

The God of beauty, Striding towards my department. I felt my cheeks heat up and some aching in between my legs. He stopped at the entrance and his eyes met mine. I was grinning like a shark waiting for its prey. I raise my hand and waved at him. He took two steps into the office and pulled his eyes away from mine. What just happened. I felt a needle prick my heart as he converse with other staff. He saw me but he didn't even acknowledge my greetings.

Okay Nelly, focus maybe he was just putting up the boss-to-his-worker expression

Okay yeah it better be it.

Jacob's POV

I kept pumping, Pumping all my strength on it as it kept bouncing back to my face. I transferred all my anger to it. My blows left some dent on the punching bag not enough to tear it. I'm angry punch because punch they need punch an heir punch i rub my right wrist already beginning to feel the ache on it.

I left Sydney to this place Paris to get my stubborn company share holders in check. I've barely left and they already want to cause havoc. They wanted me dead to take over uh?


I left the office and went to my mansion-not the palace-Freshened up and told one of the maids to bring in a bag of blood for me. Strolling to my room window I finish it in three sips. The moon was out, shining brightly, giving a sweet vibe to the environment and maybe smirking at me for the blood moon to come.

"Jacob" I heard the cunning voice say. I turn around to face Sylvester, the shapeshifter. They must have sent him here directly to me for a huge purpose.

I dump the blood bag and shift my gaze to him. "What do you want" My voice was cold but I didn't care at this point.

"Your majesty, I can see the human world has taken a toll on you, you've almost lost your glow and aura..." he said and chuckled along.

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