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     It's taken me a while to right this. It's a project both close friends and I have worked on over the past few years. Many of the characters are from my friends and family. Razz, was created by my best friend Christian. Blaze was created by a friend of my wife, with whom she RPed with back in the days of Gaia online. Cael was created by my other best friend Micheal. Lilyth was created by my sister and I one day when she was playing Skyrim. And Lexianna was created by my wife and love of my life Iesha. 

     This the end of the character that I came up with way back in the days of high school. It was a concept inspired by the Dark Tower Series. I imagined that if you could bind the collective strength of the infinite number of yous across countless parallel universes into one person they would be like a god.

     The other half of the concept came from a friend I met in online role play. They were big into the Assassin's Creed games, and had the idea to gather power from ones past lives into a single person. 

     We RPed for a few weeks until the sketchy site we were using was taken down for their being a virus den or some other reason. Unfortunately that was the only place I kept in regular contact with this person. And If you are reading this I hope you enjoyed where I took the idea. Get in touch if you'd like. I'd love to hear what Sparrow has been up to.

     That aside thank you for reading. I know it's a little rough around the edges but it was a passion project that I wanted to finish for no other reason that to finish it. 

     Until next time.

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