My Own Dark Knight. Chapter 1

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"Hey you, sorry I`m late" Justin leaned down and gave me a quick kiss, taking a seat across from me. He cast a quick glance around the crowded restuarant. No doubt, he was looking to see if anyone had noticed his entry. Sheesh.

I frowned and leaned forward, letting my platinum hair fall across my face to hide my expression. This was the fifth time this week alone that he was late, or had even bothered to show up. At least, he had shown up this time.

"Hey Justin," I murmured, careful to keep my voice neutral, so he wouldn`t see that I was upset. "I`m glad you showed up"

He grinned, his face lighting up completely and I felt myself melt a little. It was hard to stay mad at him when he gave me that devastating, lopsided grin, there was just something in the way his dreamy green eyes looked at me that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. He reached across the table and gently moved my hair from my face.

"Forgive me Nicky?" he said softly. I sighed and flicked my hair back.

"Do you want some of my fries?" I asked him pushing my plate across to him. "I got tired of waiting for you, and I was hungry."

"Thanks," He grabbed the plate and began shoving fries into his mouth. " So," he said between mouthfuls, "How was your day Nicks?"

"Well it was ok. I did some tutoring and......" I trailed off when I noticed him staring at a tall, dark-haired girl who had just walked in.

I watched him watch her as she paused by the doorway to make sure she was noticed and then slowly made her way to the counter. She was wearing hot pink short shorts that showed off her long legs and a white tank top and pink sneaks. At the counter, she placed her order and half-turned so her profile was to the room. Justin continued to stare, a really hungry look on his face. She caught him staring out of the corner of her eye and turned fully to face him, thrusting out her 34C breasts and flicking her hair from her face, batting her lashes and giving my boyfriend the standard 'come on' look.

As I watched, rage building slowly in me, Justin smiled back and winked at her. She smiled and ran one finger over her glossy lips and blew him a kiss, before turning back to the counter to collect her order.

He chuckled and returned his attention to me. He saw the look on my face and immediately became defensive. "What?" he grumbled, " I was only looking at her, its not like I`m interested or anything."

I took a deep breath to calm myself and counted to five before replying.

"The looks the two of you exchanged could sizzle the entire room and I was right here the whole time, Justin" I struggled to hold back tears. "You do this every single time we`re together, it doesn`t matter if we are at school or hanging out with friends, whenever you see a hot girl, you act like I don`t exist."

"Jeez, lighten up will you, Nicks?" Justin groused. "I`m starving and all I`ve had to eat all day are these bland fries. Go order a chicken burger and soda, I promise it won`t happen again."

I went to order, trying vainly to keep the tears from falling. I let my hair cover my face again and stuck my hands in the pocket of my skinny jeans. Someday, I thought fiercly, someday I will find the strength to leave him, I will not be softened by his drop dead gorgeous face or his handsome body, or his warm, earth shattering kisses or the way he would hold me and tell me he loved me after we made love.

I reached the counter and ordered. As I waited I let my eyes wander. Suddenly, I became aware of eyes boring into my back and the feeling that someone was breathing down my neck. I quickly turned and found myself staring at Lucas Reynolds` stormy gray eyes. Lucas was a senior at school, Captain of the basketball team and all round honor student. He was also the hottest and the most mysterious guy at Riverdale High, hot because he looked a lot like William Moosely (Peter in the chronicles of Narnia) and mysterious because no one really knew much about him except that he lived with his dad and had two equally hot brothers. Right now he was sort of glaring down at me.

"Why do you let him treat you like dirt?" He growled, so low that I had to lean closer to hear him right. "You deserve much more than that idiot, Nicola"

" Huh?" I asked dumbly, too stunned to say anything else.

He shrugged and backed off. His eyes were like deep pools of moonlit water. "Forget I said anything. It was stupid." He spun around and walked out of the restuarant.

I could only stare at his retreating back in shock. He had never spoken to me before, he was a senior and I was a junior. I did`nt even realise he knew I existed. And what did he mean by what he said?

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