My Own Dark Knight part 3

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However, it wasn't so easy. Everyday, at school, I would pass her in the halls, see her at the gym when their cheerleading practice co-incided with basketball practice, or when we had a game, always surrounded by friends, three girls in particular, one of them tall and willowy, with long dark hair, who always seemed to be giggling, another pretty redhead with freckles on her nose, and a short Asian girl with dark hair. Nicola easily stood out, by far the most captivating of them all. It was always difficult to act like I didn't notice her. 

It was impossible to ignore her this morning at the restuarant though. I watched her wait for him for over an hour, trying to look as though she wasn't hurting. I saw the idiot making eyes at some college girl right in front of her and it took all my selfcontrol not to hurl the fool outside and beat the crap out of him. When I saw her get to go order, I couldn't help myself, I got up too and spoke to her, my own gut wrenching when I saw the tears in her beautiful green eyes. 


Aidan's voice brought me back from my thoughts. 

"Listen guys, there's no need to get worked up about this" He was saying, pulling an agitated Marcus back down to his chair. "We should all focus on staying alive till we have to testify. I have no doubt in my mind that whoever killed Hayley will be seriously searching for us right now." 

"Security has been beefed up around each of your families," Stonebaker said, flipping through the folder , "Four US Marshalls as well as local law enforcement on twenty four hour watch, we are sending a couple more here too, but of course, they will stay out of sight. Don't want to attract undue attention"  

"What about our request to call our loved ones?" Connor asked. He tried to make his voice neutral, but looking at him, I could see the strain of anxiety in his eyes, the thinning of his lips. 

This had been a sore topic for all of us. The FBI had refused our request several times, because they were afraid that the calls could be traced, so we had to make do with the monthly correspondence, I had not heard my mum's voice or my dad's in two years. 

Stonebaker spread his beefy hands in a gesture of defeat. "I'm trying my best to convince my superiors to let you call, believe me, I'm trying" 

Marcus glared at him. "You are obviously not trying hard enough. I had a fiancee, we were supposed to be married in April last year, start a family. I don't even know if she's still thinking of me, if she's moved on........" His voice broke and he ran a hand through his blond hair, his jaw working to control his emotion." 

I looked away, unable to take it anymore. I could feel tears clog my throat too. 

Aidan slowly got to his feet, exhuastion clearly written on his face. "Phil, if that's all you've got for us, I think its time we went back home. It's more difficult to spot a tail in the dark." He placed a comforting hand on Connor's slumped shoulder's and nodded at me.  

I stood too, and moved to the windows with its drawn heavy curtains. Drawing aside the moldy curtain, I quickly scanned the driveway to make sure no one was watching, then motioned for Aidan to go outside.  

Stonebaker picked up his file, adjusted the mudbrown blazer he was wearing and shook my hand. 

"Stay strong kid" He said softly, and left the room. I heard him talking to Aidan outside, heard his car door slam and then he drove away.  

I turned to Marcus, who had remained seated, head in his hands. "C'mon man, we gotta move before it gets dark" 

He sighed and rose to his feet. He gazed at me through sad eyes. "Do you ever wish you said you couldn't identify the killers?" he asked. 

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