My Own Dark Knight Part one cont'd

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I grabbed my burger and soda and returned to our table. Justin was still playing eye tag with the dark-haired girl who was now sitting at a table directly opposite ours. I turned to glare at her, warning with my eyes for her to back off from my territory. To my chargin, she just laughed and gave me the finger, then picked up her iPhone and dialed. To my mounting horror, I heard Justin's phone play the first notes of Kevin Rudolf's 'Love Letter'.

The evil witch laughed, and cut the call before he could answer, all the while staring at me. I felt my shoulders slump in defeat and tears stung my eyes. I dropped my gaze and turned to Justin, who was now very much aware that he'd gone too far this time.

"Justin," My voice was tremulous and I hated it. "How could you do this to me?"

He grabbed my arm and pulled me down to his lap. I didn't struggle, just sat there limp and drained. "Nicks, I'm sorry," He planted kisses on my cheeks, his hands caressed my back. "I'm sorry, I love you. Don't cry ,let me make it up to you huh?"

He kissed me on the mouth, soft, drugging kisses that made my knees go weak. I surrendered and wrapped my arms around his neck, stroking the soft downy brown hairs at the base of his neck. He pulled back after a few minutes, his eyes were dark with desire and I knew I matched him, desire for desire, passion for passion.

"Lets go to my place" He muttered. I nodded and slid off his lap, grabbed my jacket, and then stole a glance at Evil witch. She was glaring at Justin, all smuggness gone. I gave her the finger and slipped a hand around my boyfriend's waist as he led me to his car.


Justin brought his grey Sabaru to a stop close to the wooden porch that wrapped around the little cabin like a sheath. He cut the engine, and the silence that marked the drive here deepened.He knew I was hurt by what he'd done and if he was anything else, he was no fool. He kept quiet and left me to my thoughts.For a few moments, we just sat there, each lost in their own thoughts, then he spoke.

"Nicks?" He said, reaching out to lightly stroke my neck. "I'm sorry about the restuarant, I'm sorry for the times I stood you up, I'm sorry for everything."

I sighed and turned away from him to stare out the window at the trees that lined the driveway. I saw a pigeon flutter from a tree branch and fly away. I wish I could be like that. I thought, as I followed the bird's flight. So free to just fly, and keep flying till I can leave this place and forget. I shut my eyes and a single tear escaped and rolled down my cheek.

"Do you remember the first time we kissed?" I asked. "I thought I was the luckiest girl in the world, because you picked me to go to the dance with you."

"I asked you out because I was enchanted the first time I saw you." Justin replied. "I'm still under your spell  Nicola Reese, and I hate to see you like this."

"You made me like this Justin." I retorted "If you'd just stop flirting with those college girls, and giving out your number so they can flaunt it in my face, maybe I would be happier."

I buried my face in my hands and sobbed, hating that I was so weak. I should be hitting him, raging at him, but instead I was reduced to a slobbering mess, and I hated it. Why couldn't I love someone else? Someone who would treat me with respect.

Justin saw me crying and with a soft curse, reached over and pulled me into his arms, mumuring platitudes in a soft soothing voice, stroking my back, planting soft kisses down my neck. I wept,letting go of my anger and hurt. I cried for us, and for the sleepless nights I'd spent, worrying,hurting for both of us.

"Goldielocks," His use of the endearment made me smile through my tears,and I could feel myself start to calm down. "I love you to pieces, you know that. And I promise to never hurt you again. I absolutely adore you."

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