A girl with a man-made quirk and a family which shatters her dream of being the princess heroine who'll save everyone from the dangers of this world...Read the journey she's about to face while proving herself worthy of being a hero!
'I can't believe I left Izuku behind like that,B-but I had to,I need to take more shifts at the cafe if I want to sustain my grandparents!' she thinks to herself,trying to resonate with herself.
She proceeds to walk up to the local coffee shop and enter,going to the back and changing into her waitress etire. "So...Have you told him yet?" Says Hikaru Hayashi,a friend of Itsuhi's who works at the same coffee shop. "AGGHHHHH!" Screams Itsuhi,startled by her.She falls on the floor,and Hikaru giggles. "Don't do that!That's not funny!" exclaims Itsuhi angry at her. Hikaru waves it off "Sorry Sorry,Now are you going to answer?" she asks.
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Her waitress etire
"What are you talking about?OH!No...I haven't told Izuku-kun about my job or wanting to go to U.A.,he'll freak out about my financial status and plus...I want it to be a surprise....you know,if we both end up at U.A..." Itsuhi plays with the hem of the apron and smiles at her friend sheepshly.
Hikaru deadpans. "You're a hopeless romantic." "NO I'M NOT!I just don't want him to worry about me,because I already feel bad about him protecting me so much...I appreciate it,but...I wish I could be able to protect him too,That's why I'll train and work as much as I can to make myself proud and prove I can be a hero alongside him!" Itsuhi declares,her blue eyes showing determination and a large confident smile playing on her lips. Hikaru smiles back at her and hugs her "How about today you take the orders and I'm a cashier?" Hikaru suggests and Itsuhi panicks.Hikaru chuckles "C'mon,you said you'll improve now!" Itsuhi sighs and rubs the back of her neck "Okay,I'll do it!"
Since I was little,My father would tell me the bedtime story of "Princess Itsuhi and how she saved the world".It was an endearing story if do so say myself...and the way he told me "When you're older,this will be your dream come true!" made it sound so velvety and soothing.I believed it,I was the princess whose dream was close to reality.My dad even made me a crown,play fought with me and made it so I would always win.My mother would look from the sidelines,never interfere.My older sister was away a lot,she lived with her boyfriend and didn't get involved with me too much.Only a few years later I would get to know why though...
"My sweet,sweet princess,would you come here?"
"Yes,Papa!" I walked as fast as my 8 year old feet could carry me and awaited to know why he called me over there.
"I think it's finally time you became the best heroine to ever exist." He says and gets down to my level to put my favorite crown on.
And from there on,life became an unbearable nightmare.