Bottling up frustration

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"Why don't we go public, love??"
"You know we can't Jeff, not now..."
"But why?"
"The media will have a field day! Whatever limited privacy we have left will be taken away!"
"But then we won't need to act in public..."
"I'll think about it..."
And with that Liza Holland hung up, running her hands through her hair.
"Oi! Don't mess it up!", Kevin scolded
"Sorry Kev. Won't happen again", Liza huffed.

Spider-Man back in the MCU!

Good News Marvel fans!
Spider-Man is back! Actor Tom Holland's fantastic reaction!

Spider-Man is back in the MCU! Look how Tom Holland responded!

Liza smiled softly to herself, looking down at her phone. If you're wondering, she's sitting in her trailer, for hair and makeup. Just as expected, two minutes later Tom calls her.
{Tom , Liza}
Hey Liza!
Oh my god Tom! I just saw the news! Congratulations!!!
I know right!
Yes Tom. Your version of Spidey belongs in the MCU. It'd be an atrocity to pull him out of it!
I have to agree to that! Anyway, how's filming?
Ahh, the usual... It's weird how quickly time passes... I started filming in early August and it's late September already! We'll wrapping up in about a month...
I know sis. I feel you... How's Renner?
Old man Renner? He's good! He got to hair and makeup before me again!
Damn! (Tom laughs)
So, where are you off to next?
Well... I'll be going to LA first and then off to Cleveland for Cherry
Nice bro! Visit if you can...
I'll try...
Hey Tom, I have to go! Talk later! Byee....
Bye sis! Love you
Love you too


"Cut!", Jonathan (the director) said, "Liza you want a little break?"
"Nope I'm fine. Can we have another take please? I'll do it this time, I swear!", Liza says, drinking water.
They were in the middle of the scene and Liza had lost count of the number of takes they had done so far. Every time something or the other kept going wrong! It was so damn frustrating!
"Action!", that set Liza into motion. She ran across the 'forest' with Jeremy by her side, constantly firing arrows, dodging branches. Some way ahead, there was a particularly high branch so Liza did a flip while Jeremy jumped, and both actors landed on their feet, not losing focus!
"Cut!", said Jonathan, "that was perfect!"
Liza and Jeremy went up to him and saw the take, Renner was satisfied while Liz kept quite.
Soon, they were finished for the day and were heading home. Liza desperately wanted to go to the gym first, and somehow convinced Margie.
Liza was not happy, to say the least. She was extremely frustrated! Only two scenes in the whole day! Probably the pressure of working in a Marvel movie was rubbing on her.
With a final punch at the bag in the gym, with such force that the bag burst, Liza let out a long sigh.

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