Final Showdown in La

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"Liza, Get up!!!", Tom said as he shook his sister's shoulders, trying his hardest to wake her up. Yeah, he of all people understood that she was tired. After all she'd flown in from New York after doing the Late Night with Seth Meyers at around 2:00am the night prior. But he couldn't let her be late to her own premiere.
"Imagine the tabloids, 'Liza Holland late for the Hawkeye premiere!'", Harry remarked, laughing.
"Two more minutes.", Liza muttered and turned over to bury herself in the sheets even more than she already was.
"Nope, up!", I say, pulling off the sheets from her.
"Ah, you dick!", she pouted, her hair was frizzy because it had rained a bit earlier, and also, it was sticking up in all concievable directions.
"It's the premiere day sis. You don't want to be late.", Paddy remarked, busy on his phone.
"SHIT!", Liza exclaimed as she shot out of bed and made a mad dash to the bathroom. Ten minutes later she emerged, this time dressed in gym clothes and hair up in a ponytail.
"I'm off to the gym. Anyone coming?", the freshened up version of Liza asked.
"Thought you'd never ask.", Tom smirked.

Three hours later, all of the five Holland siblings were soaked in sweat. Liza and Tom mainly, they'd run 3 miles(Psst. Liza beat Tom's ass. She's better at cardio, deal with it.) and done their regular exercise routine. The twins and Paddy had tried out few things around the gym and messed around.

"Breakfast or shower?", Tom asked, breathless, which made Liza snigger.

"Let's take a shower first and meet everyone for breakfast. Also, work on your cardio Spider-Man.", Liza stated, making the twins and Paddy chuckle.

All the Holland siblings proceeded to their rooms to freshen up and shower, after which they collectively headed to breakfast where they found Nikki, Dom, Harrison and Mackenzie chatting away merrily. After greeting everyone, they took their seats and dug in. Liza was done eating and was sipping on her juice when a thought struck her, she then excused herself from the table. Tom, sensing something wrong, followed. He found her in the balcony of her hotel suite, juice in hand, staring off at the distance. But what worried him was the frown gracing her features.

"Hey, what's wrong?", Tom softly whispered, standing beside his sister.

"Nothing, it's stupid.", she replied all too quickly.

"Come on, I'm your elder brother, tell me.", he said grabbing her shoulders, henceforth forcing her to look at him. He saw evident doubt in her honey brown eyes.

"I'm scared.", she admitted, Tom urged her to go on.
"I don't know Tom. I'm scared. I've been on the press tour, have attended premieres but it all comes down to this. Look, we haven't even started getting ready and there are already people filling up.", Liza said, pointing to the venue of the premiere, Tom's gaze following her fingers. TCL Chinese Theatre, Hollywood Boulevard. Yes, the entire Hollywood Boulevard had been shut down for the premiere. The red carpet or the purple carpet if you will, had been rolled out. Marvel executives were at work. There was a big black and purple bow and arrow sign. And sure enough people were piling in, and fast.
"Today is the world premiere Tom. People all over the world will start watching it today. Like, this is massive. I don't know. I'm scared. What if they don't like it."

"Hey hey hey, it's going to be great! I've seen how hard you and the entire crew have worked for it. You've promoted it around the world and now is time to finally share it with the world. We're all so proud of you and you're gonna do great!"

"You think so?"

"I KNOW so", Tom beamed. Liza put her juice down and hugged her brother tight. Tom pressed a kiss to her hair.

Margie barged in the sibling moment, totally ruining it.

Liza broke out of the embrace, "Thanks Tommy boy, you always know what to say." Tom winked in response.
"Tom, out! Christine's waiting for you.", Margie instructed and Tom obeyed orders. In fact not a single Holland sibling dared to show dissent to a single order from Margie. They had done it and needless to say, it hadn't gone down well.

Liza's Outfit

"Oh my god! Sweetheart you look absolutely beautiful!", Dom commented as Liza did a little twirl in the dress

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"Oh my god! Sweetheart you look absolutely beautiful!", Dom commented as Liza did a little twirl in the dress.

"Our only little girl is all grown up.", Nikki said wiping a year.
"Hey hey, no tears! And I'll always be your little girl", Liza said as she hugged her parents.

"God, she's gone all sappy now!", Paddy remarked, entering the suite, now dressed in a black suit, fully styled up.

"Woah, you clean up good Pads.", Liza laughed as she ruffled his hair a bit.

Soon, her other brothers, Sam, Harry and Tom made an entrance. All fully dressed up in suits.

Soon enough, all of the Holland siblings, plus Harrison and Mackenzie were in the limousine, chatting about all sorts of things. That was a great distraction for the very much terrified Liza Holland. Abruptly, the car came to a halt.
"You'll go great!", Tom reassured Liza who took in a deep breath and let it out as one of the guards opened the door for her.
The flashes of camera greeted Liza as she stepped out, a big smile plastered on her face. The Los Angeles sun hitting her face and lighting it up in the best way possible.
Liza was followed by her siblings, Harrison and Mackenzie. All of them took pictures together, Liza perfecting what the people call ‘The Red Carpet Waltz’. She beamed as she greeted the director, Kevin Feige and Jeremy. The crew took pictures upon pictures yet the smile from Liza's face never faltered, even for a second. Her half up-half down hair flowed in the light wind as she twirled on the carpet.
Next, she was signing photographs and posters, along with taking selfies with the fans who'd shown up. She was thanking then for coming, for their support etc. Then came the interviews. They asked the same questions, but for the first time, Liza Holland didn't mind one bit.
After that came the part she was secretly dreading. The people piled into the movie theatre. Soon, the Marvel Studios intro rolled in, Liza clutching the armrests of her seat to minimise her nervousness. She had thought that she would hate it. She'd proved herself wrong.  Everyone and herself had come out of the theatre over the moon happy. Liza's phone was blowing up so eventually she had switch it off. She'd bother with social media and stuff later. This day was hers and would never come again. She wanted to store every second of it in her brain. She wanted to cherish every millisecond. And she did. Oh she did. So so much. And Nikki may or may not have cried a few happy tears.

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